
July 9, 2010

Today was a pretty good day. The kids weren’t awful, but they weren’t amazing either. Justin had a pretty rough day, and he was really whiny and unresponsive. The worst part with Justin is that unlike Nikolas and Robert he is unresponsive and quietly defiant. Nikolas and Robert are super loud and obnoxious, but they at least listen eventually. I just couldn’t even get Justin to communicate, and he does it on purpose, its not like he has some sort of problem where he can’t communicate. He just chooses to ignore and just stand like a lump you physically can’t get to budge when he is mad and doesn’t get his way or something. It is super frustrating, and I didn’t really want to deal with it on my Friday. I just kept thinking, Tomorrow is Disney, tomorrow is Disney!!!!! The kids did a super cute talent show today, and our group did the Purple stew skit and the Iowa Farm Song. Super precious. Also the dance club that I helped with performed. They danced to Mily Cirus Hoe Down Throw Down. It was super adorable, although I probably struggled learning the dance much more than the kids did this week. Hopefully everything this weekend will go well, and Disneyland won’t be as stressful as figuring everything out is. We’ll see. Won’t be able to blog again til Sunday night. Hopefully everything goes well. Woot Disneyland.

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