
July 19, 2010

Today was a pretty good day. Went a little bit slow for a Monday, but it wasn’t bad at all. This weeks theme is Alice in Wonderland, so I wore my gold sparkly crown I got from Michael’s. I love that I brought so many costume things. It is fun to dress to the themes. Anyways, when we started walking to the center in the morning even though it was super early in the morning, it was crazy hot. Like, I can’t even believe how hot it was today. Absolutely miserable to be out in, which we walked outside a lot today so that made it worse. We had a few less kids than last week, only 19. So not too shabby. We got Jarin back this week, I think his dad got back last week so he didn’t come. Missed that kid. He is sure a sweetie. We don’t have Ryu this week, which is a shame because he is so sweet. The kids were for some reason way way better behaved than last week, which I’m just not going to question and roll with it. Nikolas of course was a handful during clubs I guess, but ha. He didn’t choose the club I was in so I didn’t have to deal with it. We went to both the library and the gym today, which was nice, but a lot of walking to get there. All the kids were dragging along because they were getting tired out in the heat and stuff. Nikolas threw a fit at both places because he wanted a ball and wanted a nap. Lol. So glad I figured out using his middle name. It has helped so much. He still is throwing quite a few fits, but I can get him to stop a lot faster. Forgot my whistle though, and that sucked. Lol. Ooh, Lunch today was amazing. It was like cooked chicken with noodles and stuff. I was like what the heck! Why can’t we have this all the time! I took a bunch home so I can eat it for the next few meals. Yum. Also we watched Meet the Robinsons. I’ve never seen it before and absolutely loved it. Definitely teared up at the end when the Disney quote came on lol. I gave Paige my crown at the end of the day. It was so cute. She said she was like a princess. Gosh, I love camp.

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