
July 23, 2010

Today was pretty good, although I am crazy tired. I only got like four hours of sleep last night because I was packing and getting food and info ready for nara and Osaka. It is going to be weird basically being gone for a full two days. This will be the longest trip we’ve gone on. I am extremely excited. In nara I know we will be able to pet tame deer. What could be cooler than that? Today the kids were wild. Although this might be the last week with my kids. Some of the kids have to switch rooms because we had to add rooms since the enrollment went up by almost forty kids for the coming weeks. That is insane. I hope Nikolas is still in my room or I will honestly probably cry. And Jaquin. They are my little buddies and even though Nikolas is ridiculous and hard to handle I can’t imagine my time here without him. I am not sad today, and I’m in a much better mood and less homesick. I got to talk to my mommy this morning. I found out today that red flag days are when the temp is between 105 and 130. The last three days have been red flag days, and I guess its supposed to be hotter where we are traveling. The ride there is going to be long, but I got my ipod all charged up and I can’t wait to go! Next blog will be on Sunday night after I get back! Talk to yall later.

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