
July 8, 2010

Today went much better than yesterday. Not much to say actually. We went to another theme park that I can’t pronounce in Tokyo. It was much smaller than the other theme parks we’ve been to, which I really enjoyed. I liked it one because it was easier to keep track of our kids and two, there were way less people, and three even, there were more rides our kids could go on. It was only supposed to be like an hour and a half away, but it took two and a half hours to get there because of traffic. Which I was definitely ok with, because I feel the kids can only be playing in the parks and sane for so long. We went on this one ride in the park that was like a little pirate ship thing that went slowly suspended around this track thing. Gotta say I was way more scared on that sketchy little ride than I ever have been on any roller coasters. Maybe its because of the way it was shaking and the rust I could see everywhere. Not cool. But the kids in general didn’t act up as much, even though there were still problems of course. We took them “souvenir” shopping at this place near the park that had a bunch of like little shops. And by a bunch, I mean rows and rows and rows of them. It would be so cool to go back there without my 14 screaming kids, but I have no idea where we were at. I got these adorable rain boots, but they don’t have the full thing that goes up the leg. The top of the boot stops at about above the ankle. They are popular here, and I’ve never seen them in the states. Only 15 dollars! So incredibly cute. So that part was good. I liked the field trip today, because although the kids weren’t perfect, I only had to deal with about two hours of the yelling kids total before we all piled back on the bus to head home. Much better than the entire day all the time. Nikolas only threw one fit today, so progress yay! And a little less whining. We’ll see if he can keep this up.

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