
July 6, 2010

Today was super awesome. I was glad to be back with the kids, even though they are a pain in the butt sometimes. Didn’t have a bad kid day at all though. Not like the kinder room did. I guess one kid named James had like four incident reports written up in like the first two hours of the day, which is ridiculous. Also near the end of the day after swimming Ellie, another kinder person, absolutely refused to leave and just plopped herself up on the ground in the fetal position and refused to leave. And no matter what any of the staff did or said she wouldn’t budge. And unfortunately one of the rules is that we aren’t able to pick up any of the kids. I have no idea why, just something that’s in place here. Probably to avoid any bogus abuse or misconduct charges I guess. But anyways. The new main director who replaced Ted, Wendy, had to drive up with Mr. Mike and come get Ellie. They were super pissed, because I guess basically the same thing happened the last time they went swimming. And she acts up all the time besides that. So now either Ellie isn’t coming back to camp at all or she isn’t allowed to go swimming with everyone. Which is extremely intense considering all the things they allow the kids to get away with here. So you know that they actually mean business when something does go down. But my day went awesome. Nikolas threw way less threats, the kids said some cute things, I got to get out of the thousand degree weather and into the pool for a little bit to cool down, etc. One of the best parts of the day was when our kids took a tour of the fire station. The kids absolutely loved it although it was kind of a walk to get there. All of the firemen except for like the main director were Japanese. I thought that was pretty cool. One firefighter showed us how fast he could put on his entire suit plus oxygen and stuff. It was only like a minute and fifteen seconds. That’s way faster than I could even get dressed for a regular day let alone with all that heavy stuff. Well anyways, that firefighter was so incredibly a “meanwhile,” meaning super attractive. Julie, the other girl into asian men, and I were like in heaven. Too bad in the picture I got with him he had a mask on. Lame! I need to go back sometime and find him so that I can get a picture to show Danilee. Probably the closest I’ve seen to Jin Ho on our Korean Drama Personal Taste! Like yes, that good. The pool was also really nice. For the part of it I was in the kiddie pool, there was a nice view of the diving board. Mixed in with all these huge military guys were these little tiny kids doing tricks and stuff. Not as cool as the ones the Navy guys were doing, but it was really cute. So excited for Tokyo Disney this weekend. It is going to be amazing! I started looking up stuff to do today, and I just pretty much wanna do everything. Frankie, who is from Florida, was telling Jenny and I that we should come to Florida to visit him and go to Disney World. Never been there, and definitely entertaining that thought. It would be amazing. Also tonight after we went to see Toy Story 3, we looked up trip info for Kyoto and Hiroshima. Btw, Toy Story 3 was the best movie I’ve seen in a very, very long time. I was crying through basically the entire last half hour of the movie. And by crying, I mean sobbing. Basically from when they all held hands as they almost fell into that fire. Oh my gosh. This movie has gotten to me more than any movie since Up, and that is saying something because I was a complete wreck during that one. It was just, idk. I grew up with it, and Andy is now where I am in my life. Like basically he lived a parallel life to everyone who grew up with Toy Story. I don’t know how anyone could go into it and not cry. Although everyone besides me and Frankie didn’t lol. The trip info to Kyoto and Hiroshima is intense. In order to save like 400 dollars off of taking three bullet trains, a couple of us are planning to take overnight busses. One overnight bus from Tokyo to Hiroshima, another one from Hiroshima to Kyoto, and then we have to take a bullet train from Kyoto to Tokyo in order to get back in time for curfew on Sun night. Its going to be quite intense, but then we don’t have to pay for a hotel or like 200 dollars for every bullet train. So wow. Going to be all extreme on this one. It will be quite a new experience, and I’ll be super tired. But at the same time, this leaves tons of sight seeing time also doing it this way. Super excited, we’ll see how it goes. Just made the reservations, so no going back now!

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