
July 18, 2010 aka Nikko

Well, definitely got up at 4am this morning to get ready to go to Nikko! It was totally worth it, and I was much more awake and alert than I thought I was going to be since I only got like three hours of sleep that night and I did just climb a fricken mountain yesterday. Anyways, Randi and I were the only ones who wanted to go cuz everyone else wanted to either rest and recover from Fuji or just take the day off for somereason. But I was definitely glad I found someone else to go with me! We boarded the first train at like five forty five after reloading our pasmos with money and had to transfer 3 times. It ended up taking four almost five hours to get there. I am so incredibly glad that I charged my ipod last night and brought it with me. It made the trip go by so much faster on the trains. That and the fact that there was absolutely no one else on the trains so I was passed out sleeping the whole time. Benefit to taking the early trains. When we finally got there it was like almost eleven o clock. Right before we boarded our last train to Nikko we saw these Nikko tourguide info people. It was really nice because we didn't have a map and the Japanese lady who spoke really good English gave us a map and circled where we should go and told us how to avoid paying more at the temples and shrines. Some of the shrines cost like 1300 yen and some like 800 yen, but if you bought a pass to the shrines when you got in it was only 1000 yen for six of them, which its like why wouldn't you just do that. In the last train on the way there we met these guys who looked like they were Indian from England but spoke with an American accent. I guess they used to live in Minnesota or something. But anyways, they were trying to hit Nikko in a day and were asking some of the Japanese people how to best do that. They were hilarious and were like 6 brothers all traveling together. Wish we could have traveled with them, cuz that would be a hoot, but they ended up starting in a different place than us. The first thing we did was go to the Shinkyo bridge that is right at the front of the park that is called the World Heritage thing. That is where the most famous shrines and temples were located. This red bridge was absolutely gorgeous and had a river running under it. The temples were so cool. I don't know exactly which was which , But all of them were Rinno-ji Temple, Toshogu Temple, and Futarasan Shrine and a couple of others. One of the temples, I think it was the first Rinno-ji one, (there were two with the same name but a little different ending) had these three huge buddhas in it made of gold. Absolutley beautiful. I illegally snapped a pic of the side of it. Another temple, I think the Toshogu, had a ton of monkey stuff. Like the hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil stuff. All the temples also had these Buddha like figures guarding it, and then all these old lantern like things inside. Everything was just so gorgeous and beautiful. It was amazing thinking about how old all of that stuff is. The only thing that kind of sucked was that a lot of the temples you had to climb up staircase after staircase to get to. Randi and I were like, owe. Owe. Owe. Going up the stairs wasn't even the worst part. Going down the stairs was killer since we are so sore from hiking yesterday. My hips, knees, bottom muscles, calves, and hamstrings are the worst. Oh and of course there is always my lovely sunburn from yesterday that got worse today even after applying buckets of sunscreen. So now my nose is blistering and peeling. Bleh. But altogether it was definitely worth everything. Even the blistering (And not just because of my nose) heat that had me literally dripping beads of sweat from my face. And I didn't have my sweat towel cuz its dirty still from climbing Fuji. Totally understand why absolutely everyone in Japan carries those things around . We stayed there for about three hours looking around at everything and taking in the sites, and then we peaced out. I wanted to go to some of the waterfalls that are near there, but either you had to hike to them for like 2 hours , Or take a bus for 2 hours to get to the other closest one. If not for Fuji just yesterday I would have been totally down. But it was nice to get back early and have time to write out this blog and still get to bed at a decent hour. We left at two and got back on base by seven. When I got home I ate so much food. I was just crazy hungry all day today. I think its because I burned so many calories on Fuji yesterday. My body misses them a ton. And by a lot I mean a burrito, bacon, sausage, candy, cheese slices, Cake, rolls, crackers, etc. I haven't binged like that in a long time lol. Gotta go do some stretching before bed so I'm ready to go for tomorrow. I can't imagine how sore I would be tomorrow if not for actually getting moving today and walking around. I would be so incredibly stiff. Peace out!

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