
July 13, 2010

Today was a pretty interesting day. The kids went pretty insane, not going to lie. We had twenty one today, which is a new record. They were definitely a little out of hand, but with that many kids, even with all of them whispering when they don’t listen, the sound adds up and it ends up getting really really loud. And on top of that we didn’t go to the pool because it started raining. That left a lot of time that the kids didn’t have anything scheduled to do and we had to free style it. We tried going to the library with the kids today, and it was insane. We couldn’t get them to be quiet, and out of all the classes, ours is the only one that Ryan is not letting go back. That’s how awful my kids are. Lol. When we had them all sit down and I was reading them a story, I chose to read Aladdin, and when I opened the book, since I am miss Jasmine, Kenta chose to point out the fact that I can’t really be Jasmine because I’m not dark. Thanks Kenta. Lol. Mr. Jim bothered me today also because Nikolas was doing so much better before he came near the end of the day. I just don’t understand. All my kids have now started doing the thing Nikolas does where they come up and squeeze my hand when they are upset rather than exploding. It is pretty awesome. They are doing so much better with whining and yelling because of that.

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