
July 12, 2010

Today was a super awesome day. Of course the kids were kind of awful sometimes, but altogether I think it went really well. We taught them quite a few new games today that they actually understood, so that was exciting. I got to eat mud pie, which is the pudding with crushed oreos and gummy worms. Such great stuff. Even with more kids, things went pretty smoothly. For example, we had like nineteen kids. Which is five more than we normally had. Complete insanity. It was almost impossible to get all of them quiet for any amount of time. We started this new thing today with the help of Mr. Buzz where there are three different smiley faces on the wall. The smiley face is for when they are doing good, the medium face is for when they are being ok, and then the sad face is for when they are being bad. I think it is a good idea, because we have them move their names themselves when they go to different faces, so its like a visual of how they are doing I guess. Idk. Nikolas though was all the way off on the negative side really fast though ha ha. Like, it was really ridiculous. Lol. He was so whiney and adorable. I told him today again that if he ever felt like he was going to explode with anger and sadness that he had to come up and squeeze my hand and squeeze away all his frustration. We’ll see if that works if I keep that up. It was nice today that the child psychologist guy Jim came up to me and complimented me on how well I worked with Nikolas. (Nikolas of course being one of the troubled kids that he keeps an eye on). I told him it was probably because I was the same way when I was younger lol. Although I’m pretty sure I was less flat out whiney and more defiant. Still a problem though. I just had a blast today with the kids though and kept thinking about how awesome it was that I got to take care of such adorable kids all day long. Even with the problems we had. The worst today was probably when Justin ran into the empty room next to us and locked himself in the bathroom for like half an hour. None of us could even get him to respond to us, which was kind of frustrating. I mean at least answer us so you know we’re ok dude. None of the directors could get him out either. Eventually he did come out, and he was in huge trouble, but oh well. So tonight we started playing the assassin game with our counselor group. Each person draws the name of someone to kill, and then assassinates them by hitting them with a camp A sock. But no one else can be in the room when people are assassinated. Once you are assassinated, you tell the person who killed you who you had so that the chain can continue. So fricken awesome. I actually just got out, but I love this game. People are getting pissy though that some of us used manipulation to get people alone, but come on. It’s a game like Survivor or Big Brother. Lying is just part of it, and you have to go with the flow. Lying and manipulation should be a given. So awesome. I did get outsmarted though, and only got to kill two people before I died. I was on my way to kill the third when I was hit. I hope we play again, but I doubt we will since people aren’t being chill about it. Woot though.

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