
July 4, 2010

Wow, wow, wow. This is only the second fourth of July I’ve ever spent away from my family. When I got up this morning I got to skype with my parents, which was really nice, and I got to spend at least a little portion of the 4th with my family! Although it was not the fourth for them yet and the internet connection was so bad that it made me look blurry on their screen ha ha. I got dressed in part of my Camp Adventure uniform, but I just had to wear the white shoes and the tee shirt, and I didn’t have to tuck the tee shirt in, which was a really nice change. Then I put an awesome 4th of July vest over it and some USA necklaces and a red ribbon in my hair. It was super awesome! I love dressing up and being all festive. We had to work for three hours, from noon until three. It was nice that for once we didn’t have anything to do until noon. That’s like the first time I’ve gotten to sleep in since I’ve been here. I got woken up like fifteen minutes before the alarm I set when the maid came in to clean. She woke us up and was like, oh sorry, but then kept cleaning. Dude. If I saw people sleeping I’d come back later. We should have put up a please don’t disturb sign, but I didn’t think of it. Fail. Oh well. I still got like nine hours of sleep. The three hours of working was super lame though because they didn’t actually have anything for us to do. I wouldn’t have minded working or anything at all, but it sucked that we were supposed to be running games for the kids and the games weren’t advertised, so there were no kids for us to do anything with! And then the people who were supposed to relieve us didn’t even show up when they were supposed to so we were stuck there until three thirty. Again, wouldn’t have minded at all if we had actually done something. And I guess at least I got to be outside not doing anything really needing much thought so that was nice. Although the weather outside was the hottest I’ve ever experienced. I know sometimes, well a lot of times, I exaggerate. But this is definitely not an exaggeration. I’ve never experienced heat like this. Its always humid here so it is warm even when its cold if that makes sense, but this was insanity. The sun was beating down on us, there were barely any clouds, and no wind. I felt like I was going to die of heat stroke or something, no joke. I never ever want to experience three unrelenting hours without shade in the Japanese sun like that ever again, although I know I will. They called it a red flag day, which is not even the worst it is going to get! Black flag is going to be awful. I just hope I will get to stay inside during those days. My clothing was soaked in sweat in like two seconds. Right before we got to working we watched the little parade they had. It’s the first parade I’ve been to in a while where they threw candy out to the audience. It was really nice because I love candy, although all the gooey stuff like tootsie rolls, laffy taffy, etc, were melted and kind of squishy because it was so stinking hot outside. Ryan, our director, was Uncle Sam in the parade on top of one of the big red fire trucks. That was amusing. After we were finally done working, we all went back and changed into non drenched clothes. I chose a sun dress because it was the least amount of clothing possible lol. Randi and I then went back to the park and looked around. There were tons of booths set up that were selling food and tee shirts and stuff. When we were working, 12 to 3, there was free food which was awesome. But then they opened the base to the public and the free food ended. I ended up getting an atsugi tee shirt, which I’m super excited about, a cup (which happened to contain beer because that’s the only way to buy the stinking cup. I mean come one. I just wanted the cup!!!!), and an awesome like window sticker. We then set up a blanket we took from the hotel and watched the Japanese bands that were playing. While we were working earlier that day the bands were typical J-pop bands. Mellow, cutesy, etc. When Randi and I were there the bands were heavy metal and rock. Ha ha. The first one we watched was called OD. They were crazy heavy metal and the music made me feel like my heart was palpitating from all the bass. But it was awesome! Afterwards we went around back and the band took a picture with us. We were lucky we got it because after that band the military police were behind the stage guarding it so that no one could get pictures or autographs from anyone. We also got a sticker from OD because we ended up talking to them for a little bit, even though they called someone over to help them because they didn’t speak like any English, and we really don’t speak any Japanese. The second band was called Electric Eel Shock. They were funny. They said they were heavy metal, although it sounded more like hard rock. What was really interesting with the bands is that they all have washcloths they sell that are like band logoed. Everyone in Japan carries around washcloths all the time to wipe their faces with because everyone sweats since it’s so hot. So all the bands sell these specialized washcloths, and then during the concert when the fans are jumping around and hot and stuff they can wipe their faces or necks or whatever with them. Or just fling them around. It was very different, but really cool to see like legit Japanese bands like that for free. The Electric Eel Shock played a couple of English songs, and then their own music had random mispronounced English words thrown in. It was hilarious. Like one of their songs was “I rike the beach.” That’s how they said it. And “rearry” instead of “really.” Super awesome. Some of the Japanese people watching were totally like rocking out to the bands. One dude who seemed super drunk and reeked of alcohol had this clear mask with a fake cigarette sticking out of it, and then he was playing air guitar. Super awesome. There were so so many people watching these bands and just at the base in general. So many Japanese people. Everyone kept saying “Happy Birthday America!” Then next was Blue October, which was so amazing to watch. Randi and I were in the very very front next to the caution tape at the front of the stage. I was like an arms’ length away from the band! I got some amazing pictures, and then I was able to record like the first half of the concert before my memory started running low. They are so good live. Some bands suck live, but the lead singer’s voice was absolutely amazing! Randi got a pick thrown to her during the concert, and I was super jealous. But then at the end of the concert I went up and asked the manager stage crew guy who I’d seen helping the band all night for the pick I saw the lead guitarist drop on stage! So now I have a real Blue October guitar pick also! The pick actually is blue and says Blue October on it! So amazing!!!!! I was so incredibly excited I like didn’t even know what to do with myself. I had a like oh wow moment during the concert. I am in Japan on the 4th of July watching a free concert for Blue October standing right next to them! I am still like in awe of my day. Then after Blue October performed, the keyboardist/violinist played the national anthem and we got ready for the fireworks. All the others in our group missed out. They all were watching movies and napping and stuff. I don’t know why they didn’t come down to enjoy all the stinking incredible stuff the base had to offer!!!!! The fireworks was insane. They were shooting off from two separate sides. We found a place, which ended up being right next to our temporary home, the BEQ, and were able to turn to watch both as they were going off. So I literally had fireworks going off on both sides of me basically right above my head. This is the first time I’ve been to a fireworks show that didn’t have a lag time in sound. The explosion of the fireworks and the boom from the explosion came at the same time. That’s how close I was to these amazing fireworks! I don’t think I will ever forget tonight! Tomorrow Randi, Julie, and I are going to explore more of Tokyo. There is so much to do there, and I’m so glad we still have another day off of camp! Wow wow wow. I am so utterly and completely blessed.

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