
July 14, 2010

Today was a pretty amazing day! Had 21 kids again, but it wasn’t raining so we got to go to the pool. It was really nice because it took up lots of time. In our room this week, even though we’ve had lots of new kids and they seem to always be multiplying, some of the kids have improved and some of them seem to have gotten worse. Like Jaquin was this awful bully the first couple of weeks, and then this week he has been an absolute angel. He is this big six year old kid who looks like he could be seven, and he came up to me today and asked me if he could hold my hand while we were walking. It was the cutest thing ever. I absolutely love that kid. But Justin has gotten way worse these last couple of weeks. He is the same one who locked himself in the bathroom earlier this week. Nikolas of course has pretty much stayed exactly the same. Surprise today he didn’t get to use the pool the entire time because I had to kick him out. He was like screaming and crying for ten seconds because he couldn’t find the ball in the school or something, but then he turned around and found it and cutely said, oh there it is with a smile. He is the biggest fake crier I have ever seen. I was like, dude. You can’t do that. If you cry and whine like that again you are going to have to sit out. He kept playing and stuff, and then he did the exact same thing. I told him he had to sit out for six minutes since he was six years old and shouldn’t throw fits like that. He freaked the heck out and started stomping his feet on the bottom of the kiddie pool, which looked like stomping in slow motion since he had to go through the water. And screaming, and yelling at me. I was like sit down now and I’ll let you back in, keep doing this and you’re done. Of course he kept going and I told him to get out. He stomped all the way back to Mr. Buzz and the tables where the SAC staff was. Oh Nikolas. I don’t understand how he is so fricken adorable. No matter what he does I can’t stay mad at him, and its all I can do not to laugh hysterically when he throws his ridiculous fits. So cute. We have this new kid this week Ryu who is the most adorable kid ever. When we were in the kiddie pool he was swimming to the bottom of the pool and tickling my feet and stuff. And when he’s not in the pool he has these huge super thick glasses on his tiny little head. So adorable. His dad came to the pool for a little bit to check on him, and I talked with him for a couple of minutes. I guess Ryu only started learning Japanese this last year, which is crazy because I couldn’t tell at all. All of these half Japanese kids are so adorable. I can barely stand it. So today I finally figured out the Cats tickets! Hooray! I asked the MWR travel office people on base who speak Japanese to help me. They were like, you know this show is in Japanese right? Well of course it is. I just want to see it! But I walked to a convenient store about ten minutes walk off base and then the clerk helped me order the tickets on this ticket ordering machine. Why in the world do we not have those in America? It is the coolest thing ever and way more convenient than trying to order online and get stuff mailed or picked up because after I ordered them through this machine the convenient store, Lawsons, literally printed them out for me. So now my tickets are not only paid for, but I have them actually in my hand. Woot! Next Wednesday is going to be incredibly amazing because of this show. Also today some of us figured out tickets and hotel situation for Osaka and nara the weekend after Fuji. Its going to be an intense couple of weeks. Fuji this Sat, Nikko leaving at 5am on Sun, Cats that Wed, and then Osaka and Nara that next weekend including an overnight bus. I am trying to squeeze in as much as possible, despite the costs and amount of travel. Yes I will be tired, but I can sleep through my classes and stuff when I get back. Jk. I will just take a weekend to recoup when I get home. I mean I don’t understand why you wouldn’t cram as much as possible in since when the heck am I ever going to be able to go to Japan for basically free. Some of the people are like taking weekends off to just relax, and it just boggles my mind. I would 1 be bored out of my mind knowing I’m in Japan, and 2 I don’t want to leave wishing I would have done something. So excited for the weeks to come. Tomorrow’s field trip to Safari Park will be amazing!

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