
July 10-11, 2010 aka DISNEYLAND

Just going to warn that this is going to be an extremely long blog because it is covering a massive amount of events that took place over the last two days. Well, the last two days I spent in Tokyo Disneyland! It was such a great choice for a weekend trip, and it was one of the things on my to do list, so check. The two day pass cost only 10000 yen, which is equivalent to 100 dollars. Not bad at all, considering it is usually more in the US . The first day we chose to go to the normal Disneyland park, and the second day we went to Disney Sea. The setup of the park was basically the same as it is in normal Disneyland, so there is Tomorrowland, Fantasyland, Adventureland, etc . Except that some of the main rides like Indiana Jones and Tower of Terror weren't in this park but instead were in Disney Sea. We walked into the park, and were in Tomorrowland. They had some stuff the normal Disney has, and some different stuff. Like they have a Buzz blasters thing and Captain EO, and Monsters Inc. (which is a brand new ride). The very first thing we saw in the park besides the castle, which was a different castle from California Disney, was 2 characters just walking around. It was amazing! In my first few minutes in Disneyland I got the autographs of Prince John and Friar Tucker from Robin Hood. It was really interesting to me because they are two characters who I don't think you would ever see in Disneyland in the states. A lot of the characters that are popular in Japan are defiantely not very popular in the states. Chip n 'Dale are two of the most popular characters after Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Which I find really odd, because no one even pays attention to them in US Disney. Also, Stich, Daisy Duck, the Aristocats, and Bambi are probably the most popular Disney characters after that. So they are like really obscure ones that I wouldn't have expected to be the most popular. Another thing that was kind of odd was that the Disney Princesses were very unpopular. They sold barely any princess stuff at all. The most advertised out of all the princesses was probably Ariel, and that is only because she has her own land in Disney Sea. I had so much trouble finding anything that had Jasmine on it, since she is my favorite Disney character. After Jenny and I ran over and got those two signatures and pictures with the characters, we all as a huge 10 person group went over to the USA Rocket ride. It was a kiddie ride, but it was a fun one, and it passed time until we could use our fast pass for Space Mountain. (our group had ten in it which included nine of us from Camp A and one Japanese lifeguard some of the people from the aquatics staff knew). Space Mountain was our first like legit ride. I thought it was absolutely amazing! It was way more intense and tricked out than the one in Cali is! Like everything here in general was just way more over the top. After that we got a fast pass for the Haunted Mansion. That one was awesome as usual. Still everything was newer and stuff than it was in Cali, and everything was more based off of the movie rather than the old ride. It was still amazing though, and much less different than Space Mountain was. For lunch as we were walking around we had so much trouble finding food that was edible for us. They had pizza and stuff, but they put nastiness like fish and other weird stuff on the pizzas, and then there were hotdogs, but they definitely weren't hot dogs. I ended up getting a hot dog that was supposed to be "all American." Definitely had like a crunchy outside to it. It didn't taste bad, but the texture of the outside was almost too much for me to handle. Jenny and I were the ones who got the hot dogs though and we were dying of hunger by that time because the rest of the group had already eaten turkey legs. Then as we were going back to tomorrow land we passed the mid-day parade. It was so cool to walk by, although the rest of the group kept stopping. I had wanted to watch the whole parade originally, but no one else would. Oh well. Neither here nor there. I definitely was way more chill on this trip than I have been on probably any other trip like this before. That has been one of my goals this summer. To chill out and remain positive no matter what, and so far its been working out really well. Frankie and I watched this Disney show that we couldn't get into from the outskirts while everyone else went to try and get on Monster's inc. Earlier that day we had gotten in line to go on Peter Pan, but the ride broke so we got these super special admittance passes that would allow us a free priority pass on the ride of our choice. While most of the group went to Monster's Inc, Frankie and I went to Captain EO. Ok, so when we were in line for Peter Pan, (we being six of us because the group split) these two Japanese girls kept passing us in line as the hidden lines in Disney always curve around, and they would look at me and point and smile, and then laugh and stuff. So when we got in line to go to Haunted Mansion after that, they ended up behind us still, even though it was a different ride. I think they thought it was super cute that an American was wearing the Minnie ears I was wearing or something, because they kept saying Kawaii, which is the Japanese word for cute. But I ended up asking them to take a picture with me and they like freaked out and were super excited. Anyways, back to the show Frankie and I saw. Even though we could barely see, it was worth watching. It was like Disney through time, and it started in black and white costumes and progressed up until modern movies. I loved it so much, and it was the best Disney show I had seen up until that point. We weren't able to get actual tickets because they were unreservable and they were chosen by a random lottery when you put your tickets through a machine on whether or not you could see it. I thought it was stupid, but whatever. At least I got to see it. I'm all about the shows at Disney. Right before the show we had all been in Toon Town at some point also and been on the Roger Rabbit ride. I love how this tune town, like the one in Cali, had the fake jail bars and the fake weights. Made for some cute pics. Oh yeah, they had like statues of UP, which is like a brand new movie. Japan is so much more up to date than the normal Disneyland. After Frankie and I saw that show, we went to see Captain EO, which is an old Michael Jackson / George Lucas 3D movie from way back when that they brought back after Michael Jackson died. The Japanese people are all about Michael. We used our priority passes we had gotten for that because it saved us waiting like two hours, and the fast passes were all gone for it for that day. We ended up waiting a total of like ten mintues, and then got to see the show. It was really amazing, and I'm glad I got a chance to see it. Pirates here was amazing too. It was pretty different from the one in Cali, although its been redone since I've last been there. The Johnny Depp on the ride, well Jack Sparrow looked so much like Johnny Depp. Ridiculous. And oh, who could forget It's a Small World lol. It was super adorable and significantly less creepy than the one in Cali, probably because it wasn't built so so long ago. I really enjoyed it, and I liked hearing it all in Japanese after we were done going through the worlds. We ended that day with the Electric Light Parade, which was fantastic. I got some really good pictures of it. There were more floats than there were in the Cali one, but there were no fireworks, which was kind of sad. After everything that night, we all piled into a Sheraton Hotel in Tokyo about an hour from the park. It was really interesting sneaking so many of us into a hotel so late at night and then having two of us per double bed, one on the couch, and four on the floor. Tight squeeze, but we did pretty well.

Day two, we went to Disney Sea. When I first heard about it, I thought it was going to be a sea life park or something, but I was definitely wrong. It is just like California Adventure, but way different. Meaning that it is Japan's themed Disney Park I guess. Every last detail of this place was thought out. I couldn't even believe like the scenery and stuff. I mean Disney is always detailed, but this was absolutely over the top. I can't even describe how real everything looked. Like Indiana Jones's Temple looked like it could have been the actual temple from the movie. And the Sultan from Aladdin's palace, looked like the one from the movie, but in real life. So unreal. The thing I really liked about this park was that every part of it was based of a movie rather than different things like in the other / more main park. For example, Little Mermaid had Mermaid Lagoon, and Aladdin had Arabian Coast. It was amazing. Right when we walked in after stepping off the monorail from the other train station was this giant world in the middle of this huge fountain. Amazing! The first thing we did was get a fast pass for the Tower of Terror, which is one of the most popular rides . I had never been on it before because for some reason it is always closed when I have gone, even though I've been there many a time. Well we go these at almost ten and we had to wait until four to ride it with the Fastpass. That's how crazy popular this ride is. Also Disney Sea in general was more popular than the regular park because it is I guess more intense. Then Jenny and I split from the rest of the group and went on the Indiana Jones ride. It was a pretty long wait, but we didn't care. Couldn't get another fastpass for a while and it is amazing. This one was based off of the new movie about the crystal skull, but it still had the huge boulder rolling at the end, as is classic. I wish it would have had fire like the one in normal Disney, but it is definitely still my favorite Disney ride as it was before. In the Arabian Coast as we were walking to stuff, we just happened to see Minnie and Daisy walking dressed in Arabian clothes, and then Jafar. We got picture and autographed with Jafar and Minnie, but decided to skip Daisy. Jafar was a hilarious character and he was like pointing his finger at Jenny's goofy belt strap and acting like he was annoyed with it and stuff. We were cracking up. After that we went to the Aladdin 3D show. It was the most unique thing ever. Genie was up on the screen and was in 3D, while there were actual actors on stage interacting with him on screen. It was a mix between a movie and a live performance. It was soooo cool. We also went to Sinbad Storybook in the Arabian land, which is something I've never seen before. I'm not sure if it's a Japanese movie or something, but I've never seen the characters before. It was a super cute ride. The Mermaid Lagoon was next on our stop. This place was incredible. The outside looked like a huge seashell castle like is in the movie Little Mermaid, and then inside of it is this huge kids playland with all sorts of stuff. We were completely in awe of how cool everything looked. Like, I'm still in awe. We went to Little Mermaid Theater and watched the show . It was absolutely incredible. Everyone was suspended from the ceiling as the story was going so they were like swimming in the air, and then Ursula came out and was this huge huge thing. I can't even describe it like literally. I was so happy I for reals was choked up after the first song. So amazing. Then we went to this kind of lame coaster called Raging Spirits. It had a 360 turn, but that was like the only cool part. It was too tame. But the layout of it was amazing. There was smoke and fire with water under it. Amazing, amazing, amazing. Jenny and I walked back to look at some shops before our Tower of Terror time, and happened to catch this like sea show as we got to the front part of the park. We thought everyone was putting ponchos on because it had kind of started to rain, definitely not the case. They started singing this song, and Chip n 'Dale, Goofy, and Mickey were all apart of Chip n 'Dale's Daily Cooldown Service. They started spraying more water than I've ever seen on the crowd. Jenny and I were soaked in like five seconds. We ran for cover, but the show just kept going and going. And then even the workers who were on the land and not in the boats on the water started spraying also. Water everywhere for a good like fifteen minutes. Seeing everyone jumping and singing with it was adorable. On our way after shopping to Tower of Terror, we just happened to catch the Big Band show in the Broadway Theater on the American Waterfront. That show was about half an hour long, and it was incredible. Everyone had amazing voices and it was like big band stuff from the twenties through the forties, with classics like Chattanooga Choo Choo, It Don't Mean A Thing if it Aint Got That Swing, Tuxedo Junction, etc. It was awesome too, because in the midst of all the dancing and singing, the characters would make special appearances. So Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, and the little Aristocat all had a song. Ending the day with that was amazing. I was doing my best to contain myself and not to sing very loud or start dancing. We ended up running into our whole entire group after that when we went to Tower of Terror, which was a huge coincidence since we had all split up hours ago. I have to say that Tower of Terror was a disappointment. Everyone built it up so much, I was expecting something way more intense. Although I still had fun. I was so tired on the ride home I had blisters on my feet and I fell asleep. What a long and wonderful weekend. I spent so much money, although only about thirteen of it was on food. I got like 10 granola bars, trail mix, and water bottle into the park so I could spend more money on souvenirs. I got the Minnie ears, which are way cooler than any of the ones that are in the States, and this pass holder, which is ingenious because you don't have to keep reaching around to your wallet to pull out your park pass or the fast passes. It is like a lanyard that holds all of it. Japan just knows whats going on man. All of the stuff in general here is just way more cutesy than it is in the states. And more flowery. One thing that was odd in the shops is that they had rows and rows of character underwear. They don't have that in the states at all. They had very few pins, no spoons, and no shotglasses, which is also really big in the states. They had millions of the little phone charms since absolutely everyone has those. One other thing that was very unique to Japan is Duffy the Disney Bear. I think it might have been a Disney Sea thing actually. But it looks like this super adorable teddy bear and not like a Disney character at all. But everyone, and I mean everyone (boys, girls of every age) had these bears. And then once you bought the bear you could get little themed clothes for it. I almost wish I would have gotten one now, but forty dollars is a lot for a teddy bear. Everyone also carried around umbrellas, because no one likes getting the sun on them . It was so cute when I saw a grown Japanese man fall asleep on the sidewalk with a cute umbrella holding a little Duffy bear. The image thing is so different here than in the States. I know I'm forgetting stuff, but I ' m so tired, and I need to go to bed. It was an incredibly magical weekend, and I'm so glad I got to experience it and actually sleep away from the base for a night.

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