
July 21, 2010 aka CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was pretty much the best thing ever. It started out well in general probably because we only got up to 18 kids, but for most of the day we had 16. Love them all to death, but it is definitely a lot faster when there are less of them. I got up early this morning to French braid my hair so that it wouldn't look all nasty when I was done watching the kids for the day since I had to go to Cats! The day also went by really fast . For the most part the kids behaved until the pool and it was pretty uneventful. Potato stamping in clubs was interesting. The kids had a lot of trouble figuring out how to make them, but they liked the whole concept of cutting up a potato. The pool went well also. I just sat and watched the kids and got wet every once in a while. It was like 94 degrees today, but Sarah said that after the humidity it was 108. That is intense. It is still only a red flag, so it means the weather will probably get worse. Just walking from the center to the pool I am like drenched in sweat. But whatever. It happens I guess. I like booked it home after work so I could change and move some of my stuff before I had to go, which was about twenty minutes worth of time. I met Frankie after he was done with aquatics, and one of his kids' mom's offered to drive us to the station. So nice. Once we got to Yokahama it was like exactly six thirty which is when the show was supposed to start. We were like freaking out that they wouldn't let us be seated, so we hopped in a cab and they took us to the theater. The theater is called Canon Cats Theater, and this entire theater is dedicated to this particular show. Crazy right? We got in and they did let us be seated even though it had just started, which was awesome! The entire inside of the theater was decked out all cats like . I have never seen anything like it. Usually its just the stage that has everything all themed and stuff, but this was like surrounding and wow. It reminded me of Disney Sea how everything was absolutely over the top. Frankie and I were just in awe the entire time, and he doesn't even like Cats normally. Hearing memory in Japanese was so cool, since that's the song I know the best. It was just so cool to like recognize what was going on even though I couldn't understand a word they were saying. Except for cats. They did say that sometimes. The dancing and singing was amazing, but all the stuff they did was spectacular. Like they had the stage floor polished so they slid everywhere and then had this like thing rising from the stage with smoke at the end. Definatley risked getting in trouble to take a stinking awesome picture of the production. I can't believe it turned out such good quality. All in all, I was completely floored and I can't wait to try and figure out when Frankie and I can go see Lion King. I imagine it will be amazing as well. The curtain call at the end was interesting. They came back out probably like ten times, but the audience never stood or whooted and hollered. Just not part of the culture. Everything is so subdued. Frankie and I stood anyways even though we probably looked dumb. On our way out they gave us Cats fans. For FREE!!!! I love Japan.

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