
July 7, 2010

I cannot even begin to express what a horribly difficult day today was. I think even by piling every other awful thing that’s happened on top of eachother and combining it into one day would still not make that compiled day as awful as today was. I will begin at the beginning as they say. And even then I guess its not like it was the worst day of my life or anything by any means. Again honestly if I didn’t have to worry about my voice I wouldn’t get upset when I have to constantly raise my voice at the kids. And yes, today was one of those days where just talking and quietly getting their attention sadly did not suffice. So in our room in general today the kids were not doing so well. At first I liked the day because we were all decorating the tee shirts that we are going to wear on the field trip tomorrow. They are really cute. Ms. Tink and I wrote Camp Adventure Room 2 on all the shirts and then gave them to the kids to decorate. My shirt is really adorable. Very colorful. We finally found more permanent marker colors today so I got to finish mine. I really am excited to wear it, and that means one less day I have to do laundry, which is always a plus. But the kids once they got done instead of doing another art project like I asked, were like all running around the room and freaking out and stuff. It took a lot to get them to settle down, and it was just a frustrating day in general. So I was down and I picked myself back up mentally and was like, ok Caryssa. Make the best of this and look at all the positive things. So then some of the kids started saying some really cute things, mostly Nikolas, and I was in a better mood while we were walking to the pool. Then of course we got to the pool and crap hit the fan and ridiculous things started to happen. So while we were at the pool it started to rain a little, and I was all cold and trying to watch the kids under an umbrella thing. I had to kick Nikolas out early surprise surprise because he was all climbing out of the pool weird and when I asked him to come talk with me for a minute he threw a huge fit. I sat him down and after he calmed down nicely explained to him why he was not going to get back into the pool that day. He must have kind of understood because he didn’t throw a second fit when I told him he was done. Well I had him go to the locker room to change. About ten minutes later Justin threw up in the pool, so we got all the kids out of the kiddie pool and got them ready for snack a couple of minutes early. While we were all under the huge umbrella at the pool it started pouring rain. The wind also started to blow which made the weather even colder. This is the most miserable and cold it’s been outside since I’ve been in Japan. Before the rain and wind and stuff the temperature was only seventy something, so the added weather conditions made it that much worse. After they all got done eating snack we piled them all into the locker rooms to change out of their wet cold clothes and then had them go back to the umbrella with the picnic tables since we weren’t allowed to walk them back to the youth center in the rain. Nikolas mind you was already in his non-swimming clothes. Well all the kids are getting done changing and all of us counselors are role calling the kids. Who is missing but three guys from my class of course. We had no guy counselors because Ryan and Tanner were on the field trip with the counselors. So we had to have some of the older boys go in and tell them to hurry up. Justin, Nikolas, and Robert were all in the bathroom like half an hour into changing and everyone was waiting on them. Why Nikolas went in the bathroom again I will probably never know since he was already in his stinking clothes!!!!! Eventually I had to go to the door of the locker room and yell in at them to hurry up. I have no idea why Justin was still in there because the older boys said he was done changing. I’m glad he actually came out when I called him because sometimes he is really unresponsive. So one down, two to go. Robert and Nikolas I guess had decided to take half hour showers. What they were doing in the showers I will probably never know since its not like they had shampoo or anything so maybe they were just scrubbing the chlorine off of themselves or being buttheads. I have no idea. It’s like they got together and decided to try my patience as some sort of joke or something. Finally by threatening to call their parents and counting down from ten I got both of them to come to the edge of the locker room to talk to me. Robert comes up, he is in his swimming trunks still, hasn’t changed at all. I was like dude. You have one minute to go put your clothes on and come back out right here or you aren’t going swimming again. He says, “but I was about to change” Well what in the world were you doing for the last half an hour!!!! Nikolas comes to the door wearing all his clothes, in his socks, and no shoes. Nikolas I said! Why aren’t you out here, you are completely dressed. He starts crying. I was just about to put them on waaaahhhhh. I was like, dude. Come to the door now and sit here and put on your socks and shoes. So Robert and Nikolas were sitting at the door crying and putting on their socks and shoes. Not because anything had actually happened, but because this is what they always do. They cry, and they whine about everything and it is extremely annoying. Nikolas said while he was crying, “I don’t like that you were counting down like that. It hurt my feelings.” I said, “Tough luck. It hurt my feelings that you were taking so long and making me stand out here at the rain trying to get you out of the locker room.” Finally we get them out and they go sit with the rest of my group and we were all ready to go. But of course we had to wait for the umbrellas to get there. Mike from the youth center brought them over, and it took forever because they took the time at the youth center to put tape on the bottom of every single umbrella and put the youth center on them. So annoying. But anyways the umbrellas finally got there and we started passing them out to the kids so we could start walking back to the center. Also of course there were not quite enough umbrellas for everyone so some of the kids had to share. Upon hearing that they had to share, Nikolas starts bawling and sits down and won’t get up. We were all so worn out and annoyed with everything already that none of us wanted to deal with his crap. Then Robert hears that he can’t have his own and literally starts screaming. All the other counselors just look at him like what the crap. Seriously I don’t know what is wrong with that child. I genuinely do not like him. At least Nikolas is adorable to make up for the fact that he is evil. Robert on the other hand is just plain evil and extremely mean. Plus his deep voice that he is disrespectful with makes me want to teach him a new one. So after we finally get some more umbrellas for the two horrible unresponsive children we all start walking and are finally going back to the center. The wind picks up when we start walking and two umbrellas turn inside out and one actually snaps in half. So I gave up my umbrella and was walking in the rain without one freezing, soaked to the bone, and my socks and shoes were sopping. Bleh. Never ever want to go to the pool again, ever ever ever. Or at least I need to buy muzzles for Nikolas and Robert. Grrrr. Robert just frustrates me so incredibly much. Even Aaron, who is usually cute today started yelling at me and Ms. Tink because we were bossing him around. What kid asks the adult to stop bossing him around. My kids are so fail. Oh my goodness. I came home and took a long hot shower just trying to calm down and chill. I am doing a little better now, but I just need to vent all this out and chill for the night. I am now watching the Bachelorette and the special about Vienna and Jake’s breakup. Vienna is pretty much the worst person ever, and I’m so glad I’m not a Vienna. Lol. Oh yeah, the cherry on top of the ice cream that was my wonderful day was probably finding three huge cockroaches under the garbage can when I was changing to go swimming. I about threw up. Ok. I’m done for the day.

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