
Week 1 Kid Quotes

Sara -"Water isn't healthy"
Nikolas- "Yes it is!"
Aaron- "Yeah, I think even water from the sky is healthiest of all"

Marcus- "I'm going to go chase a bird"

Paige- "I love the smell of hand sanitizer. It's my favorite"

"If we run out of air when we are swimming are we allowed to come up and breathe?"

Me- "Don't step in the dog poop"
Nikolas- "Hey miss Jashnim, I think maybe a dog pooped there. Actually, I think it was my dog. I know it."

Nikolas- "Buuuut Ieeee thought we were going there after we got done at the theaaater."

Nikolas- "Ieee Don't wanna do that. I wanna do something else. I wanna color."
Me- "That's what we're doing."
Nikolas- "Buuuut Ieeeee wanna draw a picture, not color."
Me- "Its the same thing."

"Do you have any principles? You know like presidents?"
Me- "Well we're in charge, so kind of."
"Are you Barrak Obama's wife then?"

Aaron- "Its the United States of the USA"

Me- "Tell me what your favorite thing in the whole world is."
Kenta- "Sitting on chairs."

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