
June 27, 2010

Today was pretty awesome. We went out to explore more of Tokyo today. We started out going to downtown Tokyo, which was really cool. Out of all the places we’ve been that reminded me the most of my trip to New York City. We tried to go to the Imperial Palace, but the gate to it was closed. So instead we explored the Exterior Garden to the Palace, which was basically like the Central Park of Tokyo. It was absolutely beautiful! In a lot of the ponds and stuff there were these huge huge coy fish. Definitely interesting. I took lots of pictures of it. I got so incredibly hungry there. I packed 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but I couldn’t find plastic bags. So I cut up the sandwich into little pieces and put it into a Tupperware container. Ha ha. After that we went to Aoyama, which had one of the biggest Prada stores ever. I guess its like the second biggest attraction for tourists in Tokyo after Disneyland or something like that. I’m not sure if I believe that, but whatever. It was absolutely huge, and the entire building was made out of these huge glass squares. It was really cool to see. They had some of the neatest buildings I’ve ever seen all throughout Tokyo. Especially in Aoyama, since they had a huge like super expensive shopping district. They had Prada, Gucci, Dolce and Gabana, etc. Super awesome, but super unaffordable. Lol. I could totally get a pair of shoes or something if I wanted to spend my entire stipend in one go. Ha ha. How about not. Next we went to Shibuya, which is more of a shopping district. We didn’t stay very long, but we found this really awesome store called June Bug or something. It was the cheapest most adorable store ever! I got four shirts/ button ups, and a pair of shorts that came with a belt. Not doing much now. Got back from taking the train all the way back and walking to base. We got here in record time of an hour and a half! That’s like 45 minutes less than the others have gotten back. We asked a Japanese lady for directions and she told us a different way than we had previously taken. Woot. Tomorrow starts the week of programs that Jen and I put together. Should be good! Hopefully the kids have calmed down a bit over the weekend. Couldn’t find a whistle anywhere. Maybe I’ll find one at the NEX tomorrow or something. So hard to yell over those kids. Til tomorrow!

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