
June 17, 2010

Today was an awesome day. It was super long though even with all the excitement. We spent basically the entire day making posters and expectations lists for the coming weeks of camp. We made so so so many posters. At first, well really for most of the day, we didn’t have projectors that we could use to like trace pictures and stuff. A few of us freehanded pictures by looking off of images online, and that was super super hard. Not gunna lie though, I was extremely impressed with my free hand drawing skills. I really loved doing that, cuz its not often I’m the artistic one. Lol. My favorite free hand was probably dori and finding nemo. So cute. Forgot how much I love drawing. I don’t get to do it that often. Not was much to talk about today since that was pretty much what we did all day. Finally near the end we got the projector and started cranking out the posters. We have to finish up the rest tomorrow. My camp a shirt I wore now has yellow paint, a silly putty stain, and coffee spill on it. So fail, but they are camp awesome stains of the summer. If we tie dye our shirts also, it will all be covered and the slate will be wiped clean. Silly putty stain you ask? Not sure if I wrote this already, but on the plane ride here, the silly putty I put in my bag of tricks on the plane ride here to japan, and somehow it melted through the container and through the little bag onto my white camp adventure shirts. And yes the silly putty did not get on anything except for the camp adventure shirts. Oh well. Stuff happens. So tired, til tomorrow.

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