
June 23, 2010

Today was much rougher than yesterday. The kids at first listened right away, and it was awesome. I was so impressed. I raised my hand and they all immediately knew what it meant. They all ran to the table and sat down quietly and put their hand up. It was amazing, and I was so looking forward to the rest of the day with these much better behaved kids. But then everything went downhill and the kids were all way out of control. Like crazy crazy out of control. They were yelling and running all over the place, and they wouldn’t listen to anything Julie and us said. So incredibly annoying. Why are these evil little kids so stinking cute! And the supplies for my art club still wasn’t here today and so I had to make up more crap for them to do. At the beginning they were asking “what are we doing today.” In response I’m like “Hey you know I can’t tell you because it’s a surprise!” When really I had absolutely no idea what we were going to do. Ha ha. Good thing they don’t know that, and they think I’m this like amazing person who plans all these awesome crafts for them. Gotta love how easy kids are to please. The best part of the day though was definitely when since we couldn’t go to the pool and stuff we gathered all the kids in the theater room and had them watch two movies. Some of us counselors were falling asleep during the movies rather than the kids though. I know during Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory I was like passed out for almost all of it. Good thing the center had some of their own staff that were kind of watching the kids while all of us were asleep. So freaking tired. And during the second movie it was the same thing, but I didn’t get to sleep as much during Lion King 1 ½ because two little girls kept going up to me and were all like “my teeths are wiggly, and I need to get a paper towel!” I was like, ok that’s awesome, go get it and come back. Then they gave me some of the paper towels also to hold so that if their teet did fall out they would be able to put them somewhere. Which was also fine. But they were poking me like every five seconds talking about their teeth. I wasn’t annoyed or anything because they were so cute, and so excited about losing some of their teeth. Nothing came out as of yet, but maybe in the next few days or something. Probably the cutest thing of the day was when we were all walking to the theater several times little Nikolas took out his fricken huge umbrella. Picture this. He was only a little taller than my knee, the umbrella went a full like foot over his head standing tall when it was closed, and then it was even bigger when it was opened up. I’ve never seen an umbrella that big. It was bigger than anything I’ve ever seen before. All the other kids who forgot their umbrellas stood under his, so there were like six or seven kids under this massive umbrella waddling towards the theater. So cute. I can’t even describe how amazing it was to watch them. I definitely took pictures! When we got back all of us counselors had a meeting and then played mafia. That was super awesome, and fun! Because the aquatics is separate from day camp, it was nice to get to hang out with absolutely everyone! Now we are sitting watching this weeks episode of the bachelorette while I’m writing this :). How fun! Tomorrow is our first field trip, but hopefully it goes super well.

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