
June 16, 2010

Wow. Today was a really interesting day. One odd thing was the weather. All night and early morning the rain was pouring and pouring, and it was miserable outside. Then about the middle of the day the sun was out, and it was probably ninety degrees. So humid, and so hot. Wow. That was definitely more of the weather I was expecting going into this, although when its been rainy the weather has still been extremely warm. I approved of the sun and temperature, I just really really wish the humidity had been lower and there was even the tiniest breeze. I have at this point completely given up on looking the least bit attractive. I start the day out all nice and pretty in our air conditioned hotel, and then the second we even step into the hall all of our faces are oily and greasy and I feel like I’ve been out running a marathon or something with the way I am sweating. Oh well. Hopefully my body will get used to it! Probably one of the most odd and yet amazing days ever. It started off pretty interestingly when there was some confusion about medical records. At first I just needed to get the dates of my polio records, and then I needed the actual records scanned and sent over since this is the only base that needs them. So that was a huge hassle, and everyone’s patience and energy were wearing down. The group I went with to get my medical card was fun though. I brought my new orange squishy ball thing that I got for having one of the best costume wardrobe and bag of tricks. It is like the coolest thing ever. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be way more entertained with that than my friends are. But anyways, we were sitting in this room for like ever, and the lady was deciding whether or not to accept our documentation. Poor Julie had to get another TB test, and a few others had to get polio shots, which I’m so glad I didn’t have to do. So that part was a huge hassle on top of getting all the information we didn’t know we needed from our parents. And then we were waiting around for stuff to happen and it was kind of frustration. But in the end, it could have been a lot worse, and I’m just super thankful I didn’t have to get shots. No thank you! Part of the time when we were waiting for our Project Coordinator to get there, all of us picked which themed week we wanted and started brainstorming ideas for posters and such. I teamed up with Jenny, who is from Oregon, and we are doing Alice in Wonderland and Toy Story. That’s not exactly what the themes are technically called, but that’s the just of it. I thought it was funny because our names are themed Disney, and we picked the only two themes that are Disney. I am so excited to start planning stuff tomorrow and actually making the posters for the summer. Wearing the costumes for the different things will be awesome too. The only Alice in Wonderland stuff I have though is like a crown for like the queen of hearts or something. That one was hard to come up with ideas for costumes for. After Angie came and talked with us, she showed us to the train station and we found our way off base! FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE WE”VE BEEN HERE! It was so much fun to go explore the city and go around to stuff. I took so so so many pictures, which is like what I do. They are so awesome! Everything is so cute and animated and small. I love it so much! We went to the 100 yen store, which is the Japanese equivalent to the dollar store, and I got some awesome chopsticks and cute bowl to use in the hotel and stuff. Probably the coolest thing there was the printed toilet paper, which sounds odd, but I thought it was awesome. It was blue toilet paper with flower designs on it. And then we went to a Japanese grocery store, which had the most colorful ads and the most candy I’ve ever seen. Oh, and oddly, the alcohol was sold in like the biggest bottles I’ve ever seen. Holy crap. Someone would get so smashed with that kind of stuff. I wish the noodles for the most part didn’t need to be refrigerated or I would buy so much and bring it home. Most of the group stayed to eat at the sushi bar, but some of us came back and ate at the BEQ. We sat in these huge comfy chairs in the lounge on our floor and watched the television. Sadly, on the way home I got stopped for having shorts that were too short, even though they went all the way to my finger tips and a little past. The lady guard person was anal. I have never once in my life been stopped for inappropriate dress because I am a modest person, so I was a little bummed that it happened. Jenny and Kelly had to walk all the way back to the BEQ, grab me some pants, and bring it back to Randi and I who were waiting at the gate. So lame. But I guess the lady was kinda rude to Julie and a couple others so I didn’t feel quite as bad. And better for this to happen on the first week than in the middle when we’re supposed to know everything. Altogether, an amazing amazing day!!!!! I loved seeing Japan and getting off the base!

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