
June 20, 2010

Today we all went to Yokahama! It was pretty intense. I didn’t know this, but Yokahama is the second largest city in Japan. Pretty legit. It was really cool walking around the city and seeing all the cool towers and everything. We walked around the city for hours and walked near the ocean, which was really cool. It was a lot less humid than everywhere else we’ve been, which was super nice. It was probably be because its near the ocean, and the breeze was amazing. We were all still wearing Tank tops and shorts, so its not like the breeze made it cold or anything. It was just really really refreshing and nice. Near the ocean, we saw the Landmark Tower, which is like one of the largest buildings in Japan or something. Also near the water was this huge amusement park with like the second largest ferris wheel in Japan. So awesome. It had this like huge clock on it. I would have really liked to go on it, but I’m pretty sure that’s one of the field trips we’re going on with the day camps, so I’ll get to do it later. Even though I’m super afraid of ferris wheels, but this trip is all about expanding my horizons!!! After that, we walked to Yokahama’s China Town, which is the biggest one in all of Japan. On the way to China town, we got some awesome ice cream stuff. My ice cream cone had soft serve ice cream put in first, then a scoop of mango sherbet, chunks of kiwi, mango, and blueberry, and then slivers of dark chocolate on top. All in a handmade waffle cone. It was pretty much the best thing I’ve ever had in my life. I wish that they had desserts in America like that, although if they did I might weigh like twenty thousand pounds more than I do now. Also on the way to China Town, we passed this weird jeep display. They had a Japanese model standing on a track that the Jeeps could drive over. Then people who had been standing in a line got to test drive the Jeeps over this like obstacle course that turned the Jeep almost completely sideways. I think it was to show the stability of the vehicle or something of it ,It was sooooo much less ghetto than the one I went to in New York. That one was like crazy sketchy. This was all nice and clean and stuff just like the rest of Japan. It was hard to find the cheaper stores, but after a while we found awesome ones. At one of the stores I found an awesome like flower plate that I got, and then two side bags that were super cheap. I also got a panda oven mitt, which was like the cutest thing ever. China Town also had this like awesome. It was super fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so tired though. Came back and have to work on programming and we’re figuring out everything for tomorrow when I get my adorable little five and six year olds!!!! Night.

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