
June 29, 2010

So today was super awesome, although I just found out my pictures have not been uploading right, so boo. The kids listened so much better today, probably in part due to the fact that Jenny let me borrow a whistle! One whistle meant sit on the carpet, two meant stay where you are and be quiet, and three meant sit at the table and stop talking. They did pretty well with it, and it was nice not having to yell to get their attention. Saved my voice a lot. The whole swimming thing was a huge hastle today. We got them all changed, and then the main guy, Ted (who is leaving next week anyways, but keeps bossing everyone around about ridiculous things and getting angry at us for no reason) told us we had to cancel swimming because it might rain, even though it never actually did. So all the kids were whining, but we let each group have half an hour where they went outside and played in the water as the counselors sprayed them with hose water. They loved that! Nikolas was running really fast even though everyone told him the rules were to walk, and he ate it on the playground turf. He had one of the biggest bumps I’ve ever seen sticking out of the back of his head. I swear I’m not exaggerating, it was the size of a golf ball sticking out of his head. It reminded me of the bumps cartoon characters get on their heads when they are hit. So he cried for like a minute and we filled out an accident report, and I sat icing his head. This was the least I’ve seen him cry, even though his side profile had a huge boulder sticking out of it. He starting asking to go back outside right away. I was thinking, goodness, kid. The one time you have a legitimate reason to cry you decide not to. Silly kids. That’s pretty much all that went down this weekend. Last night pretty late a bunch of us went and signed up for trips through the Single Sailor. This weekend we are going to the Hakone hot spa, which should be cool. Its like hot springs and stuff. Then the next weekend is Disney land Tokyo!!!!! Then the seventeenth, we are going to Mt. Fugi and climbing on up to the top of the mountain! We also get free walking sticks which will be cool. That will be quite an adventure! The other one we signed up for is an overnight stay in the New Sanno Hotel in Tokyo, which will be super tight. Woot! More tomorrow. Maybe swimming will actually work out, although I’m not opposed to not getting wet.

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