
June 28, 2010

Today was pretty cool. I think it went really well for the second Monday of the Camp Adventure summer. The kids went a little crazy, but compared to last Monday, they were little angels. We had like five new kids today, which was kind of trying because what consistency we had gotten with signals and such the week before was lost with all the new faces. On top of that, all of the new kids were extremely whiney and loud. Well not all, but some of them were. So incredibly loud. So we worked again for part of today on everyone sitting and being quiet when my hand or Julie’s goes up. And also on the silent fox signal. This week’s theme is Toy Story, so I dressed up as Woody. I had a cowboy hat and a red bandana tied around my neck. Even before we told the kids what the theme was, some of them were like, I know! You’re Woody! It was super cute. I’m pretty sure that they recognized me because Toy Story 3 just came out here this week. Speaking of which, I’m going to see that tomorrow! I’m so excited. Its like directly after work, so its gunna be a run to see it, but It’ll be amazing! We had so many criers today. The new guy Robert was whiney and didn’t want to do anything, Nikolas threw a few tantrums, Nilanie cried about absolutely everything, Destiny was screaming, Murray started bawling at the drop of a hat. My room is just always so loud and sad sometimes. Murray was crying several times because he thought Jayquin was looking at him funny or something, Nikolas as always just didn’t wanna do anything. At one point, we were putting everything away and Nikolas kept coloring so I had to go over and ask him firmly to put his stuff away. Finally he slammed down his paper and threw the pen where it belonged and started sulking and crying. I pulled him aside and was like, Nikolas we talked about this. Go sit in the corner in this chair for two minutes without crying or yelling. He was mad, but he did it. While he was sitting in the chair, he pulled his shirt over his head and was pouting quietly. So cute. The pic I have doesn’t show his face so I’m allowed to put it on! So stinking funny. I had a long talk with Nikolas this morning about not pouting and stuff today. I told him he was my special buddy, and I wanted us to be good friends, but it was hard to do that if he made it difficult for me to trust him. So I told him if he was better today I would give him my cowboy hat at the end. He is so cute and my favorite kid ever. I ended up giving him the hat because he really really was better today, and I am trying to get rid of most of my costumes anyways to save room and weight in my suitcase on the way home. Nikolas’s dad picked him up like a minute or two after I gave him the hat, and for the first time ever, Nikolas was whining because he had to leave and couldn’t stay for the closing songs. Progress yay! At least he wasn’t crying because he had to leave. I adore this kid so much, even though he is evil. Today the weather outside was insane. Probably the hottest and the most humidity we’ve had since I’ve been here. It was absolutely horrible! Julie and I had a jump roping club outside, and we all only lasted like fifteen minutes before we carted everyone inside and played other games. I’ve never experienced weather like this before. I literally felt like I was drowning while walking outside!!!! More tomorrow.

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