
June 24, 2010

Today was absolutely insane. We took the kids on a field trip to the Tokyo Done Amusements. You would think they would be able to behave since the Kinders the day before did a good job on their field trip, but no. My kids were absolutely insane!!!!!! I have the worst headache ever after trying to maintain control of my group the whole day. Every five seconds the kids would run away to chase birds. I have absolutely no idea what their massive fascination with birds is, but they literally would see a bird, run away from the group, and chase the bird. So incredibly odd. I don’t think I will every understand them. This is the first day I have been incredibly frustrated with the group, and it was super hard not to lose my cool. I would ask them to do something, and then Julie and I would have to take like ten to fifteen minutes trying to get the kids to be in a straight line. Why is a straight line so hard!!!! This one kid, who was there for the first time today, was named Cade. He was an aweful little addition to the group! He wouldn’t listen to anything. He unbuckled his seatbelt on the bus and was jumping over people, he chased birds, he was yelling at kids, and he complained about everything. I don’t understand why he kept misbehaving when we were talking to him very gently but firmly and asserting ourselves and stuff. What the heck. And Nikolas, and Justin, and Murray, and etc. etc. etc. They were all so naughty! But they are so darn cute! Why does pure evil come in small packages!!!!! One of the best parts of the day though was when Shad and Kenta went on the Ferris Wheel with Julie and I. They were too scared to go alone, so each of them sat with one of us. They were so adorable. I took a lot of pictures, but sadly I am not allowed to post pictures of any of the military kids on facebook. L. But I will get to put them in a picture album and show people after I’m back. Shad and Kenta were like grabbing onto us for dear life until they relaxed and figured out that Ferris Wheels aren’t that scary. I personally think that Ferris Wheels are horrifying, but this one was enclosed so I was good. They were doing ninja poses and stuff in my pictures. So precious! The other best part was when we took them to get a snack, and there were enough other adults with our group that Julie and I got to peace out for a little bit to ride the roller coaster. It was my first Japanese roller coaster ever! Julie and I got on together, and she was freaking out and had to hold my hand. It was super funny. The roller coaster surprisingly was extremely high and quite scary. They did a good job. I haven’t been on a legit roller coaster for a while. Woot! I loved it! We had two pukers on the bus who thank goodness made it to the garbage, and by the end of the trip when we were loading up the bus, our entire group was in tears. For ridiculous things. I am so glad today is over. After that we had an inservice for lifeguarding, which is like a review. It wasn’t so bad. Just sooo tired. Need to sleep!

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