
June 14, 2010

Wow, I am tired, and it’s only nine thirty here. Orientation started today. A lot of it consisted of listening to people talk a lot. That made me even more tired, but parts of it were definitely interesting. I loved being shown around the base, although the rain didn’t stop the entire day. Well, I don’t know if rain is exactly the right word. Maybe mist. Like the misters in theme parks like Disney Land when the weather is hot. Only the mist was everywhere and it wasn’t very hot. Fail on my part I straightened my hair this morning. I thought, hey if the humidity curls it a little, whatever. Yeah, my hair was definitely in ringlets near the end of the day. Not all the way around in an attractive way of course, but just the front. I will have to buy some mouse and gel at the commissary tomorrow since it wasn’t open today. Oh, guess what my first meal in Japan was this morning! MCDONALDS! There is one right across from the BEQ where we are staying, and we were all starving before orientation started. I figured, hey. We have ten weeks to eat Japanese food. One day’s not gunna matter. At orientation, we also toured all the rooms in the building we were going to be conducting our Camp Adventure activities in. One of the rooms had these chairs that were like hands with the five fingers sticking up. Have you ever seen Arrested Development? If so, they were very similar to the red hand chair Buster used. Although it looked super comfortable, it definitely wasn’t. Such a disappointment. But don’t get me wrong, the day was amazing! I wouldn’t let a little thing like an uncomfortable chair get me down when I’m in a place like JAPAN!!!!!! We also picked out our names for Camp A. We had a Disney theme, and all the counselors would pick a name they thought described someone. I got Jasmine, although I put in my input, which might have been cheating ;). I absolutely love the group I am doing Camp Adventure with. Even though we’ve all been together for about two days, they all seem amazing and nice, and we all seem to get along really well. I am excited to see how things develop in the coming weeks! Til tomorrow!

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