
June 30, 2010

Wow, I can't believe that it is basically the end of June! It just blows my mind that I have been here for like half a month already. I'm so blessed to be here! I am so glad I still have another two months left to go. I feel like I have already grown so much, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for me in the near future! Ok, now to today. It went pretty well. The weather was so much better than yesterday, so we were able to go to the pool and everything. The kids were really, really more well behaved than they normally are, even though of course there were still the whiners. As usual, we had crackers for snack this morning. I feel like that's what we always have. Crackers for breakfast snack, and also afternoon snack. In the beginning they gave us cheese with the crackers, and even though it was only the fake white American cheese, at least it was something . Now we're downgraded to just crackers. Lol. But oh well. At least its something. Morning snack comes just when I'm hungry for breakfast, since I don't like eating it right when I get up. I really like when the afternoon snack is cookies like it was today. Cookies are at least something to break up the different types of crackers. Also we get yogurt like once a week, although yogurt is not one of my favorite things in the world. Today the kids who forgot their swimming suits were like super sad. Mr. Buzz and I were like, kids. We swim the same two days every week, just tell your mommy and remind your parents to bring your swim suit so that you can go swimming with everyone . Of course Nikolas would be one of the ones who forgot his swimming suit, so even though swimming wasn't until after lunch Nikolas was complaining about it literally all day long. He was so adorably annoying. Lol. "Ms. Jasnim, wiiiiil you call my mommy. Ieeeeee, ieeee neeeeed it. "We just had to tell him what we told all the other kids though that we couldn't interrupt their parents work two times a week whenever they forgot their swimming suit. He was not pleased with that. Robert, one of the new kids, was really upset when we finally had to leave. He was crying because we could swim longer. I was like dude, we've talked about this. You can't cry every time you don't get your way. Waaaaahhhhhh. Ugh. He has a deep voice too for a little dude. Sounds like he's already been through puberty, but he's only six. Like freakishly deep voice. Oh Robert. Finally at the end Ryan got him to go change with the rest of his guys back into his normal clothes. When we all met on the other side of the changing rooms we all got our kids together so we could do a head count before we walked back. Of course we were missing a kid. No one bothered to tell us that his mom came and picked him up while we were at the pool, and we didn't really remember his face too much because today was his first day. Thankfully it was solved, but seriously. This child center needs to get more on top of this whole checking out thing. I can't believe they haven't lost children yet. My whistle was still working really really well today! Best thing ever. I am posting a picture of the note that my kid Chandler wrote yesterday that I found. So cute. Cutest thing ever. It says through the child speak "Trey and Robert like eachother and they play with each other and they went together." What the kid actually wrote on the paper is "Trey and Robert like e chuder and thee pla wid e chuder and did wint up tog gedr. Frm : Chandler "Well, he spelled his name right. At least he did that. And he did some good sounding out. Finding that note on the floor was one of the most precious things ever. I asked Chandler about it, and he was so proud. "I wrote it all by myself!" After work, (ha, calling it work now. Payless work in a different country !!!!) we all went to dinner at the Blue Mountain Grill on base and had the all you can eat pasta buffet. So awesome. It was like build your own pasta. Best thing ever. Right before that, Jenny and I walked over to the gym to get our punch cards. Through the Single Sailor program that I am doing the Mt. Fugi climb through if we get ten hours punched at the gym, we get a free walking stick. That sounds like a super good deal to me! Ten bucks less I have to spend man. But, the Fugi climb will rock!!! Three more weekends to go! This weekend is still the Hakone spa. I looked up the place, and its super awesome. There is a wine bath, sake bath, green tea bath, waterfall bath, footbath, etc, etc, etc. Going to be the most relaxing thing ever. As far as I could figure, we paid already to get in and that includes all the baths. Also, it includes the transportation which can add up quick on the trains. But if we want a massage or something we have to pay. So going to do that probably, although soaking in the baths might just be enough for me! So excited for one of our trips to be just relaxing rather than walking around all over the place, and I still get to experience the culture. Probably the best part of my day today was fixing my awesome nine dollar watch I got at Wal-Mart before I left. Got it the day before I left, and it broke on the plane. Then when I got to Japan I bought a cheap watch at the 100 yen store. Definitely not waterproof like my awesome original one from Wal-Mart, and definitely wore it in the shower this morning. Epic fail! It broke of course, and I was kind of sad. So then I looked around with everyone trying to find a mini screw driver so I could maybe fix my old one. I finally got one from Jenny, and I opened up my Wal-Mart watch, took out the battery, and put everything back together! Success !!!!! I was so proud of myself, and now it works fine. And it has a light which my cheap 100 yen store watch didn't have !!!!! And the lights are three different colors! Woot woot! Watching the Bachelorette now and writing this blog. Hopefully I'll agree with Allie's choices this week. Night!

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