
June 25, 2010

All I can say is TGIF!!!!! This was a really really long week with getting used to being with the kids and everything. It was a lot of adjusting, but the week went by really really fast altogether. Today went a lot better than yesterday listening wise, but it got progressively worse as the day went on. I have decided for sure that I’m going to try to remember to by a whistle this weekend. At least that way I can get sound above their screaming without blowing my voice. But they are still so precious. Today we kind of had a week’s end mini party for the kids and we had balloon decorating, face painting, water balloon tossing, duck duck goose, bean tossing, etc. It was really fun and the kids seemed to love it, especially the water balloon stuff. Although the kids got really wet from it, and then their shoes got muddy and they dragged the mud into all the rooms. It was kind of disgusting. It also wound all the kids up so after that they had trouble settling down and listening. Ryan, our like main leader, also called Mr. Buzz, came in and read our kids a story and then Julie read one. That calmed them down a little bit, which was good before their afternoon snack. Oh my gosh. Nikolas today was absolutely ridiculous. Not only did he throw his normal little whining fits, today he was full on like rolling on the floor whining and kicking his legs and stuff. I was laughing every time he wasn’t looking because it was just ridiculous. It was over super stupid stuff too like not getting to play chess during art club, or not getting snack ahead of another kid and stuff like that. I was just like what the heck dude. I finally resorted to threatening to call his mom and counting down from five to get him to listen. He was in timeouts and sitting in corners and stuff for more than half the day I’m pretty sure. Cutest whiner and crier ever. I completely adore that kid. And even when he smiles, it’s a sad whiney smile. So incredibly precious. I love him lots. After we were done with the day we had pie the counselor, which is when we draw the names of five kids who have gotten tickets during the week for being good and then they get to pie a counselor of their choice. Thank goodness none of them picked me, although many of the kids who didn’t get drawn were like, Ms. Jasmine, if I got drawn I would have pied you. Its like oh thanks little kids. But no thank you. I’m so grateful I wasn’t pied! Then after work some of us went bowling. It’s so cheap here on base. It was only 1.75 per game, and we played two. Haven’t been bowling in forever. I didn’t do so hot. Only got like in the eighties, but whatever. Now we’re watching the Dark Night Batman movie, and writing this blog. Given up on loading pictures on facebook. They changed the way its set up and it sucks hard core! Peace!!!

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