
August 4, 2010

It was a pretty good day today. The kinders went on a field trip today, but they left behind one of their problem children, Ellie, behind because she is not allowed on field trips anymore. So guess who’s room she joined! Mine woot. :p. She is aweful in the kinder room and throws fits all the time I guess. Like really bad fits where she shuts down completely. She was a complete angel in our room, and I was like wow. What an adorable child. She like followed me around and offered to help me all the time and stuff. It was crazy. At the pool she started to throw a fit because she missed her mom, which is what it usually is about I guess, but I was able to calm her down which was nice. I was kind of proud of myself since she is supposed to go so crazy. At the end of the day I let her go up for closing because she had been so good. After closing however lo and behold I find out that she had stolen two Bakugon toys (which are the dumbest little toys ever that she doesn’t even like) from a little boy named James in the kinder room before she had come into our room. She had them hidden in her little black purse thing. I felt so deceived! Lol. What an adorably evil little child. Oh well. Good day.

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