
August 10, 2010

Omg! I found out that this is Aaron’s last week. I’m going to miss that kid so incredibly much. He is one of my favorites. He just has the best manurisms and stuff. It is hilarious. He gets so frustrated all the time and so easily, but it is like a quiet frustration. And he is obsessed with being a dude and cars and stuff. So incredibly cute. Today was pretty awesome. We only got up to 25, but we didn’t have to move anyone because it wasn’t til basically we were ready to leave. Also this week there were these like 2 people from America who are traveling all over the world and helping to put together The Princess and the Pea. I don’t think they knew what they were getting into when they came to Atsugi because there is no way the two of them can control the 40 plus kids that signed up for it, but their funeral. Buzz doesn’t even think most of the kids are going to end up showing up on Saturday at the performance, and I don’t doubt that at all. But anyways, the rest of the day was really good. We ended up only going swimming for like 20 mins because some kid pooped in the pool before we got there. Nasty. How did the lifeguards not notice that? We thought it was a leaf or something and let the kids in, but it definitely wasn’t. The rest of the day we watched Most Valuable Primate 2, which was a weird little kids movie, but they ate it up. It was really cute. My cold defiantely came back with a vengeance and it is making me sad. Ah! So sick!

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