
August 11, 2010

Today was pretty much an amazing day! During the actual day, there wasn’t that much that happened, but it was after work that was amazing. After we got done with everything for the day we booked it back to our rooms and changed as fast as we could. The baseball game started at 6, but we didn’t end up getting there until like 6:45, which isn’t bad because baseball games take quite a while. We had to take the train and then the subway, which isn’t that bad, but one of the trains pulled the whole stop and get off to transfer again. Oh well. At least we didn’t stay on this time and the train would have started going backwards. Lol. When we finally got to the stadium we had to walk around for a little bit to find out where the seats we needed were at. We ended up paying 2200 yen for our seats, which I don’t think is that bad. We got to our seats, and right away the team, called the Yokohama Baystars, were like all scoring runs! It was just the most awesome thing ever!!!! The best thing probably about the Japanese baseball games in general is that the fans are way more into it than they are in America. Not to say that Americans don’t love their baseball. But here it reminds me more of the college games and stuff. The team had like drummers to keep the rhythm of the cheers, and then they had section leaders with whistles that would starts the cheer or song. During the entire inning that the team was playing the crowd was cheering. I absolutely loved it, although it made me miss college quite a bit. At the game, there was this really drunk girl in front of us who had like seven beer cups all stacked up and drinking another one. She was fricken hilarious. She kept talking about how some Japanese anime characters are so dangerous, and then how drunk she was. She also said something about how she was more dangerous when she was drunk. It was pretty much very entertaining. After the game was over and we won by like 2 runs, the guys that were behind us gave us some of their little baseball hitting noise maker things. It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! Imma miss Japan.

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