
August 3, 2010

So today was pretty awesome. Besides the fact that one of our kids has an absolutely insane mother. So we usually give our kids the choice between a penny, prize, or a ticket when they have like helped clean, been quiet and respectful, or won a game. It gives them some insentive and they enjoy it a lot. Well one girl, Nilanie, got two pennies for something or other. I guess today her mom freaked out at Ryan for like ever about how it was horrible that we would try and pay the kids to clean, and that we were horrible people for doing that. I mean come on. It was a freaking penny. Its not like the parents don’t give these kids ten dollars a week for doing absolutely nothing to buy souveniers at the amusement parks. What harm is a penny or two? Especially since on bases in different countries they don’t have pennies. That’s why we do stuff like that. To these kids pennies are more than just pennies because they don’t have them. Anyways, she also freaked out at him about the adopt a counselor program, which is where parents can choose to invite a counselor over and “adopt” them, have them over for dinner, etc. She called us freeloaders and stuff. Ya freeloaders. We freaking watch their kids all day long as volunteers and we are freeloaders. Although she looked like the meanest person ever and I’m not fond of Nilanie anyways, so it wasn’t the biggest deal. And of course Nilanie had to be the first person out of all of our weeks in my room to have an accident today. Gosh. That kid. She didn’t tell us she had to go to the bathroom and didn’t tell us she had an accident after it happened. We noticed it when she tried to go up and get seconds at lunch. When we asked her she tried to lie about it at first and then was like, I just forgot. Grrrr. Then on the walk back from the pool she almost had another accident. Maybe her mom should try to give Nilanie some incentives or something to help her learn how to know when to use the bathroom!!!!!!! Besides that though, the day was amazing. My kids are so cute. Even Robert when he’s being bad is one of my favorite kids now. Like yesterday he was spitting on kids three different times. I was like Robert, you can’t do that dude. We’ve talked about this. He said, “ I just keep forgetting not to.” So Ryan said, “Do you spit on people at home?” He replied, “Well sometimes I do.” With this adorable smile. And in his ridiculously deep voice. Gosh that kid. His reasoning for everything is just so cute. And Paige. She is so touchy. She keeps like rubbing my back and kissing me on the arm and stuff. Still tries to call me Mama, and I have to stop her. The other day at closing when we were all in a circle she was next to Murray and she starting giving him a shoulder rub. I was like Paige! Boundaries! That girl! Ha ha. I love my kids. Nikolas today when we asked him to do stuff would just reply, Alright. So cute. Finally breaking him down even though he throws fits still. Gosh, I love my kids so much. I don’t know what I’m gunna do without them when I leave….

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