
July 28, 2010

Today was such a good day! My watch broke again today so I had to take it apart and fix it. Bleh. I hope that doesn’t happen again. Note to self, don’t ever ever get a watch from wal mart ever again. Although I probably will just because they are cheap and then at least it doesn’t matter as much if it breaks or something. My voice hurts and I am not happy with it. In my attempt to be more authoritative I think that I have been using it a little too much. I need to reel it in a little bit because I don’t want to wear it out or even worse lose it! I wish I had a stronger voice and it didn’t get sore and horse so easily. I’m always jealous of those people who can like scream and scream and still be fine the next second. I haven’t screamed in years, but last time I did my voice hurt for like a week. Oh well. Probably better not even to have the option to abuse my voice. Robert today, who used to be one of my least favorite kids but has grown on me tons, lost all of his clothes again. I don’t even know how that happens every single time we go to the pool, especially since we have been checking and stuff if he has it when he gets to the pool and stuff. I was like dude, didn’t you zip it when I told you to? He was like, my bag was zipped but I think the clothes shrunk up and slipped out and then grew back to normal size when they got out. Ha ha. Kids say the darnest things. So cute. Tomorrow is yet another amusement park. That should be interesting. Hopefully we don’t run out of water like last week. Tonight I’m going to dinner with one of the Youth center staff who invited us over so she could make us dinner. So nice! Can’t wait.

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