
July 27, 2010

Today was a pretty good day. Didn’t lose any kids so already an improvement from Yesterday. The day absolutely flew by, and I really enjoyed myself for the most part. I did have to raise my voice more than I would have liked to, but its like with the extra kids all the classes have from now on everyone is crazy. And the new ones aren’t even in my class except for one! But oh well. Its not the funnest thing ever having Kioshi back this week. I think that’s why Jaquin turned into an angel, is because Kioshi wasn’t there. Now that Kioshi is back and Jaquin and he are bffs, they cause mischief a lot. Not Jaquin as much intentionally, they just don’t know how to stay calm and have safe controlled fun. Ah kids. But oh well. Jaquin is still adorable and I love him. We played telephone with the kids today and it went all right. Robert tried whispering and it was so quiet that the person beside him couldn’t even hear it. Lol. I had him come tell me what he was passing onto her and it was ridiculous. The first time I couldn’t even hear it, and then after I told him to be louder it sounded like hmbadababre. Like gibberish. I was like dude. Talk like you talk normally just softer. So cute that he didn’t really understand the concept of whispering. Although he is six, so maybe it shouldn’t be cute at that point. The pool was nice. Good to cool off. Definitely have been in the pool more in Japan than I ever have in my life. Not the biggest fan of all the water stuff, but I just can’t help it when it is so darn hot all the time. Two kids crapped their pants today. New record here. Bleh. So incredibly glad that neither of them were in my room. We actually haven’t had any accidents at all. Less than the kids a year and two years older than my kids. Holla! I just think they know I’d be not a happy camper if that happened so they control themselves. After work a guy at Single Sailors who was Japanese helped me order Lion King Tickets!!!! Yay!!!! So it is officially on like Donkey Kong this weekend!

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