
July 20, 2010

Today was a pretty good day. For me it started out kind of rough. Even though I got like nine hours of sleep I was extremely tired today and I felt a little grumpy at the beginning. But the kids ended up brightening my day by being all adorable and stuff, plus everything at the pool went better than it normally does. Today during clubs we did thumb print art which was cool. I made one too which was fun. I like getting to do little art projects probably as much as those kids do lol. This one new girl, Alana, is like the sweetest person ever this week. She has already like latched onto me and always wants to hold my hand and just comes up and talks to me all the time. Today while we were walking back from the pool I was humming and she started singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Fricken adorable. She told me that singing is a great thing to do when your mouth isn’t doing anything else. Cute right? I mean I just love these kids. Nikolas hasn’t been at all as bad this week as he normally is. It is like using his middle name has made him into this slightly less whiny person who is quiet faster. He still throws tons of fits, but at least he calms down faster. Tonight I went to see Despicable Me. It was really cute and hilarious, but definitely not anything compared to Toy Story 3. That was way way more awesome. Also had to pack up tonight since tomorrow they are moving us all across the hall and into single rooms so that they can renovate our current rooms. It is going to suck being moved in general because it is half way through and I am already used to the way everything is set up. On the other hand a single room will be nice because I can use the Ethernet whenever I want and not worry about when I get up or go to bed. On the other other hand having a single room is going to be kind of lonely. Not used to that now that I’ve had a roommate in my actual room for about a month and a half now. Weird. But Cats is tomorrow! Hopefully I will be able to sneak a Picture of the stage or even the show if all goes well. Lol. Ttyl!

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