
July 22, 2010

Today went pretty ok. Everything was just eh. We had yet another field trip at an amusement park, but this one was way harder to deal with because it was so hot. Yesterday was 108, and today was even hotter! If you can even imagine lol. The amusement park was cute, but after like five minutes of walking around I was literally dripping beads and beads of sweat off of my face. The kids drank all the water bottles we had before we even had lunch which has never ever happened before so it was kind of interesting. We had our kids keep their water bottles and keep refilling them in the water fountains. We also kept pouring water over the kids’ heads and having them like go to the bathroom and splash water on their faces so they wouldn’t overheat. I was overheating, so I can’t even imagine them all running around and stuff. Craziness. We found this little park that was in the shade that the kids ate up. It was pretty intense, and it kept them out of the sun for a little while. The kids were just really hard to control today though. But Ms. Wendy had to suddenly return to the states to take care of her daughter or something so it was less stressful especially for the directors that she is gone basically until we are done. I was kind of glad when that field trip was over. And the fact that I didn’t have to watch Cars on the bus!!!!!!!!!!! Best thing ever. Lol. Although Mr. MgGorium’s Wonder Emporium is not much better. That is a weird movie. Later after work in the lounge we had Christmas in July. It was kind of a bummer because my parents didn’t get the email from my directors so I didn’t get a package. One other girl’s parents didn’t get the email either, but they sent her a package anyways so the director saved it. My parents just sent me one also not for this, but of course it hasn’t come yet. Lauren went out and got me some stuff for a package from my camp A family, but I was still really disappointed. I got really homesick when all the others were reading their letters and care packages from home. I was just sitting there munching on candy and trying not to cry. I’m better now cuz I’ve had time to calm down. I know my mommy and daddy would have sent me the world in like five seconds if they would have gotten the email. And I talk to them all the time, so I’m ok. It just made me really homesick and cry for a little while. But then again sometimes I just need a good cry. Mommy and Daddy, I know you’ll read this and I don’t want you to feel bad, because its not your fault at all they didn’t have the right email. If anything its probably mine for writing it down wrong in the contact stuff. I tend to do that. But if you could send me letters from home I would love it. I have officially decided now even more that I am going to do a winter Camp A camp in Germany. It will be awesome, even though it will be weird being away from home for Christmas. I’m so tired. Tomorrow I’m leaving on an overnight bus to go to Nara and Osaka. I won’t be able to blog for a couple of days, but my next one will be really long and have cool pictures!!!!

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