
July 1, 2010

Today was an interesting day. I feel as if I am kind of losing my voice, or it is a little hoarse or something. Probably because our kids are absolutely insane, and there is no possible way to avoid yelling to get their attention sometimes and other times just talking loud enough for the spread out group to hear. The whistle still helps, but I feel kind of bad sometimes. The whistle is so loud. I barely ever blow it fully, but it sure gets those kids to shut up. We went to the Fugi Q Highland today, which was a super far drive. So by the time we actually got there, we couldn’t play around for more than like two and a half hours. This place was amazing super huge roller coasters. Like the highest one on record, the fastest, something else. Three genius world record things. But of course I was with the kids and only got to sneak away once. I went to the highest one with Karly. It was pretty awesome! Went so high, and crazy fast near the end. The kids absolutely loved the Thomas the Train land that was inside the park. It was so cute. One kid, Justin, even wore his Thomas the Train shirt today. They were content to ride the roller coaster (roller coaster being that it had one tiny little bump in it) for like an hour. We were like whatever, we’ll just sit here watching you guys if you want lol. They actually listened pretty well. No chasing birds this time, so that was an improvement. One kid, Murray, did definitely tackle Jaquin to the ground because he thought Jaquin looked at him funny or something. Not exactly sure. Definitely wasn’t true because Jaquin was standing right next to us. They don’t like eachother for some reason. Oh well. Over all a thousand percent better than last time. Not much else to say. It was super hot, and I’m so incredibly tired. Peace out!

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