
July 16, 2010

Today was such a good Friday! We did the stuff we normally do I guess, but I don’t know. It just had a good vibe to it. We tried giving our kids more free time today, which worked out really well. I also tried to be a little more mean to the kids. Well not mean, I guess stern is the right word. I had my midterm evaluations by my director and coordinator last night, and it went really well! They said they loved my positive energy and how I related to the kids. I just needed to work a little on being more stern and I guess vocal with the kids. I have been doing all I can not to raise my voice at them, because I really don’t want to lose my voice this summer. One of my goals. But I worked hard today to find more of a balance. I thought I did a pretty good job. Today I got Nikolas a little more figured out. He has been listening to me a little more. Today I asked him what his middle name was, and of course not knowing why I wanted to know he told me. When he started misbehaving I said Nikolas, Middle name, Last name. You need to sit in the corner right now and not talk for five minutes. Rather than screaming and crying like he normally does, he gave me the meanest face he could muster and marched his way over to the corner. Ha ha. His mean face is even cute. I did it again throughout the day, and it seemed to work. He just gave me an angry face every time and then did what I asked. It must be what his parents call him when he is in trouble, which is why it works with him or something. I got creamed today by one of my kids during pie the counselor. It was super disgusting. It’s the first time I’ve actually been really pied. I smelled like rotting milk on the walk home. The crazy heat/humidity today only made it that much better. Lol. I’m currently packing to go to Fuji. I’m so scared/excited/nervous to climb Fuji tomorrow. Its something I’ve always wanted to do, but never once in my life imagined I would actually get the opportunity to do. And yet here I am about to finish packing and go to sleep, and then wake up and check something off my bucket list. Unreal. I am so utterly and completely blessed. If you are reading this, please pray for me! Can’t wait to take pics of the views!!!! Oh! Almost forgot. My kids performed the Michael Jackson Thriller dance I taught them today. It was the most adorable thing ever. They did such a good job!!!! They were all excited to put the facepaint on all Zombie like, and the adults were so impressed with it.

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