
July 2, 2010

Oh my goodness! I can’t believe that it is the end of week 2 already! This whole week has been really crazy, but I still feel like it went better than last week. We taught the kids this game called A What? Today, and even though the game is pretty much completely pointless, they loved it and we all played it for probably like an hour to an hour and a half altogether today. So whatever keeps them happy. We were impressed ha ha. This is only the second game we’ve actually been able to teach them these last two weeks since 1 they have awful attention spans, and 2 they just don’t understand. Which is unfortunate because like I’ve said before even the kinders can play some of the games that my kids just can’t for the life of them figure out. Then in the middle of the day we had another party kind of thing like we did for them last Friday. They were crazy happy. We had water balloons again, and then this time we had a dunk tank for the kids. I definitely went in it, and they were having a ball dunking me. Before I got up to do it, the kids were all missing and stuff, but then as soon as I got up there, every single kid except for like one who attempted to dunk me succeeded. I was like what the heck! I must have the worst luck ever. Although it was super fun and the kids had a ball. I also didn’t mind so much because it was incredibly hot outside and I wanted to cool off. And it was actually kind of fun being caught off guard and falling into the icy water! Although little Nikolas was just a disaster today. I don’t know what was up but he was definitely the whiniest he’s ever ever been today. Like about everything, and he would jump up and down flailing his arms around in protest when he didn’t get his way, and then he would start screaming when he was upset. And stomping his feet and crying and ah. I was like Nikolas! What the heck dude! So much progress lost. And this child psychologist guy who comes in sometimes was in our room today I guess like helping and stuff, but he definitely babied Nikolas, which I think was part of what caused the situation to be worse. I mean, Me and Ms. Tink don’t take any crap from Nikolas or let him make us pity him, because that’s his way of manipulation. But this guy I think wanted peace and Nikolas’s happiness more than anything, so I don’t think he was handling Nikolas very well. But I didn’t want to step on his toes and be like, Hey dude, we’ve done way better on our own and would prefer Nikolas responds to our authority. I’ve pretty much figured out Nikolas so I can keep him under control pretty well if I can just talk with him rationally and give him the low down. And tell him that I don’t appreciate when he is whining and that’s not how he can behave. End of story. But whatever. There’s always next week to try more. Today also at the end when there is normally pie the counselor, we did paint the counselor’s face. Like three kids from my room got chosen, probably meaning we gave out too many tickets, or we just plain have bad luck. So one kid Murray’s name got drawn and he picked me. He drew all over my face, arms, and legs with this face paint stuff. It was really cute though, he drew a snowman, house, and spongebob from what I could gather. Fun times. Now I’m all cleaned up and freshly showered waiting to do something tonight. Some of us are going to see the Tom Cruise and Cameron Diez movie Knight and Day later, and just trying to finish up my blog and other stuff before then. Spa tomorrow! Should be amazing!

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