
August 5, 2010

Today was a pretty good day except for the fact that I woke up extremely sick! It was pretty much horrible lol. I woke up at four in the morning and had one of the worst sore throats ever! I couldn’t believe it. Bleh. I think maybe that’s why I was a little sensitive and ultra tired this last week now is cuz I was getting sick. So when my alarm went off I dragged myself outta bed and threw my hair up and tried not to look like I was dying, cuz that’s sure how I felt. I sounded like a man as well because my voice was all groggy and deep. I know attractive right? Well anyways, it was still an ok day. The field trip was pretty cool. We went to this like Paddington Bear amusement park and it had this really cool like lift thing that went up to this ferris wheel on a hill. It had some absolutely gorgeous views! It was so incredibly hot though. I thought I was going to melt off the face of the earth. Also Justin threw one of the worst fits I’ve like ever seen, and in my room that’s really saying something. During lunch, which was right before we went to explore the amusement park we told all the kids to grab water and carry it with them since it was so crazy hot outside. He of course like either didn’t get the memo, didn’t notice everyone else with their water bottles, or just plain dropped his and said he didn’t take one. All very possible. But anyways he starts screaming when we are in line for a ride and some of the kids are getting on. “I’m thirsty.” Where’s your water? “I don’t have any. You won’t give me water!” Well we don’t have bottles with us, we told you to get one. We’ll take you to a drinking fountain after this ride. “I’m thirsty!!!!!!!!!!!” It was insane and he starts screaming bloody murder and pounding his feet on the ground and rolling in the dirt. We were like we can’t take you now because we can’t leave the kids that are on the ride. Finally after like 5 mins of screaming we take one of the water bottles from another kid and waterfall dump it in his mouth. We give him quite a bit to drink and then give the water bottle back to the kid. He starts screaming again! “Why don’t you give me water! I’m just thirstyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!” Gosh. I could have like kicked that kid, but not really. All the Japanese people were looking at us in either amusement or disgust. Finally the kids were done with the ride and we made him drink water for like ever, but I didn’t let him go on any more rides that day. I was sick, and he didn’t deserve to after screaming and throwing a crazy person fit like that. Sheesh.

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