
August 15, 2010 aka last sunday of Japan aka BEACH

Today was my very last weekend day in Japan, since next Saturday we are all flying back home. I am getting really emotional thinking about this right now, just so ya’ll know. I mean this is my very first last day of this week. Today was my very last Sunday in Japan. I don’t know. I’m excited to see my family again, but this whole preparing to leave and knowing I’m going to leave thing just plain sucks. Like hardcore. Gosh. Lol, I’m crying while I’m writing this. Anyways, today us girls spent the day at Atami beach. I was worried this morning because it didn’t look nice out outside, but it turned out to be a beautiful day! Atami beach was like two hours away, but it was the closest white sand beach to where we were, so it was totally worth it. It was so nice to just lay out on the beach, cool off in the water, and then lay in the sun. That was the first time I’ve been able to do that since spring break in Hawaii, which was like forever ago! It was so relaxing, and the absolute perfect way to end my summer in Japan. I had so much fun with everyone. It was really cute on the beach that a lot of the Japanese people brought tents to the beach so that they wouldn’t get out in the sun too much and tan. I didn’t know before I came here that in both the Japanese and Chinese culture it is more beautiful to be whiter. I guess being tan is a sign of being the lower working classes who are out in the fields and stuff. Interesting. When we were done we walked off the Sotetsu line for the last time and walked back through the entrance of our gates for the first time. It was very sad. But altogether an incredibly amazing day!!!!!!!!!

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