
August 17, 2010

Today was a really good day. We don’t have as many kids this week, which is nice. Like seven less than our average last week. It is kind of nice, but I miss the ones that aren’t there. It is still weird without Aaron, but at least I still have my Nikolas and Jaquin. Nikolas today was kissing my arm. I have no idea why, but it was the most adorable thing ever. I love that kid so much, like more than I can express. I would adopt him in one second if I could. Kids like him and Jaquin make me want my own kid so bad. Now I know, the best way to get over a broken heart is to fall in love with some kids. Although my heart is just gunna be broken all over again when I have to leave them. Especially Nikolas and Jaquin. Today was our second to last swimming day, which was weird. Gosh, sigh. So close to leaving my adorable kids. I notice myself holding their hands a little tighter, and hugging them a little bit longer. Because I know I’m never going to be able to again.

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