
June 15, 2010

Today was quite a day. We did a lot more orientation where we had to watch like three health and food safety videos and a child abuse one. The food safety ones were pretty hilarious. One of the acronyms they gave to us to remember was like FAT TOM. I have no idea what the actual letters stood for, I just remember the acronym because it’s hilarious. Probably not the way the video intended it, but whatever. Lol. All three of the videos on food safety included chicken salad with bacteria, viruses, and fungus and crap. Definitely probably never going to go near chicken salad again. Very scarring video. The child abuse stuff was sad. I hope I never have to deal with that when we start actual camp with the kids next week. During lunch, I finally got to go to an actual Japanese restaurant that’s on base, and I got real Ramen. It was pretty bomb. The Potstickers were the best thing ever, although I don’t remember what they were actually called. We got to sit on the ground on little pillows and eat with our shoes off. My legs definitely started to fall asleep after a while, and it was very difficult. After we were done with that stuff a bunch of us went to the commissary since it was actually open and got a ton of food, which was super nice. It was kind of depressing looking into an empty fridge several times a day. Although this is the same fridge I couldn’t even find the first day we were here. Yeah, that was kind of fail. On our way back from the commissary we had so much stuff between me, my roommate Carley, and Julie that we had to borrow one of the carts (which was filled to the very top) and push it back to the BEQ. Of course stopping by the food court on the way back to grab napkins, silverware, and other things. We are very resourceful in my room, and we feel like certain things don’t need to be purchased ;). Before the commissary though we went to the Single Sailor and Recreation place to figure out some weekend trip things. We get the same discounts that the Single Sailors do through their programmed trips, so it is going to save us tons of money. The trip five of us girls are going on to Hakone, only cost like 20 dollars. So fricken tight. Although it is going to be us five “single ladies” (as we call ourselves) and one Single Sailor. Either he will be super attractive, which might turn into an ugly situation, or super unattractive and annoying, which would be unfortunate, or average, which might be the best situation. I think our group is going to be crazy fun to travel with. Then we went to dinner, which was awesome because Ted, we call him Teddy Bear or Pooh Bear now (sticking with the Disney theme), bought dinner for all of us. I think that is like the nicest thing in the world. I am so incredibly drained, it is almost ten thirty. Oh shoot. Awesome. Just found out we are going to the big buddah the weekend we already planned that trip with us five girls. I can’t wait, because that’s one of the places I really really wanted to go, but at the same time I hope we can get our money back or reschedule or something. Shoot. I wish we would get a schedule of everything so we could actually plan stuff well. Oh well. Everything happens for a reason right? I am going to try more on this trip to go with the flow. Oh, almost forgot. I met two of the campers today on the way back from the commissary! Their mom was talking to us. The two little girls looked like little blonde twins, even though they were just sisters. I was talking with the youngest one and almost gave out my real name til I remembered that I am now Jasmine. However, when I disclosed my camp name of Jasmine, the older girl was like, “oh like the Bratz doll!” Definitely not. I said, “No like the princess on Disney” “And the bratz doll?” she insisted. I thought that was so hilarious. She then told me her Bratz name was Chloe. Not the name of a Bratz doll, but the Bratz doll she most resembled. So interesting, guess Bratz are like the thing now. Hope these kids will catch me up on what’s “hip” this summer. Ha ha. Well, so going to bed, so incredibly tired. Plus, more rain tomorrow. Glad we got in at least some sun today, even if the sky was mostly overcast and muggy.

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