
June 13, 2010

Today I finally got to Japan after like a thousand hour plane ride. Well at least what seemed like a thousand hours. All things considering, I was actually very surprised at how fast the plane ride went. I boarded the plane at ten o’five Spokane time and ended up sitting next to another camp adventure girl named Anita. We had no idea we were going to be on a plane together, but we recognized eachother from training. Talking with her made the first plane ride to Salt Lake City Utah way better, and it went by super fast. Why we went backwards before going to Japan, idk. But at least we ended up getting here eventually. The whole experience seemed much more real when we finally settled into the twelve hour flight from Salt Lake City to Tokyo, Japan. I don’t know why it suddenly became more real since I was asleep for more than half the ride, but it did. We landed around four o’clock time in Japan, which is however many hours difference. It’s eleven o’clock here right now and seven there. So however many that difference is. I’m jetlagged and can’t figure that math out right now. Ha ha. After a couple of hours, all the flights got in and I got to meet my team. Everyone seems very nice, and it will be cool to see how our interactions develop in the coming weeks. There were of course a few bumps on the road knowing me. Like forgetting my jacket in the baggage restroom and spilling blue stuff all over two of my white camp a shirts. Overall however, very few setbacks. One of my favorite parts of the day was probably exchanging some of my American money for yen, and buying a peanut butter sandwich and tea at the airport. My first Japanese meal!!! Even though it wasn’t authentic Japanese, the wrapper was not in English, so that’s good enough for me. I can’t wait to try new things and begin this amazing summer experience tomorrow. Right now however, I feel like I’m dying. So tired.

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